Todd | 07-31-2023 | comment profile send pm notify |
Why Using Rapid Apps GPS and Electronic Job tickets are so
important. We polled 6 of our largest longer running customers using
our GPS and ROTG Operator Software and here are the numbers they gave us. Clients report approximately 95% improvement
in accuracy for Operator hours. ROTG links time reporting (paid time) by the operator with
the time being billed to the customer. By linking the timecard with the
billing, there are fewer discrepancies with operators on hours worked which eliminates
the potential for operators claiming time worked in error. Clients report an average of 44% more
second round jobs. ROTG gives dispatchers accurate information on the
status of a job. If the operator finishes pumping, the status will change
based on the completion of the job ticket. Dispatchers no longer get
misinformation from an operator that is interested in going home versus doing
another job. Clients report on average a
66% less back charges. For reasons listed on Item 2, fewer late arrivals to jobsites
which reduces chargebacks for crew time waiting on a concrete pump. Our Clients Customers prefer to get their Job Tickets and Invoices by
email. 94% Quicker
billing leads to more accurate billing. Less oversight needed. These numbers very from company to company but I averaged
the numbers between all the companies and given you the stats. Here are the
numbers in summary. Hours, 95% more accurate Labor numbers. Increase ability to do second round jobs
44% 66% Less Back Charges 94% of our customers clients prefer digital
job ticket and invoice over paper. |