2 Questions
bri 08-16-2008
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1.Which do you pefer? Left or Right hand main?

2.Do you dial in your boom so you bury your sticks or do you like it when you barley touch it and it moves and when you bury them you can knock down a building?

Personally I love the left hand main and like to bury the sticks.

bigboom 08-16-2008
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i like right hand main

and bury the sticks

65m Petee 08-16-2008
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ambidex,  and you got to ease into um.

bri 08-16-2008
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Petee when I run your pump i will change em up.:)

TooTall 08-16-2008
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Depends on the machine and the parameter adjustments. the newer concords that have switched to OMNEX are trick. there's a 4 phase parameter setting in teach mode. first phase being the first 25% of the stick (1/4") can be set for say on a speed scale of 1-10 can be set at 2. the next 1/4'' (2nd phase) can be set at 5. The next phase can be set at 7. and if you wanted to you could set the 4th phase (burried stick) back to 2 , what I call "brain-dead-mode" for  guys that just dont have the touch yet. All the functions adjust the same way. the older (2-3yrs.) HBC controls are similar but with only a 3 phase parameter setting. Ive recently discovered the VECTOR computer on  newer SCHWINGS is similar but better yet you can dail in your "rabbit" settings aswell. Dig into those computers, You'll be amazed,Foundation guys will think you're God!

TooTall 08-16-2008
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The guys that go full funtion and adjust that to their preference are only adjusting the last parameter so when you slow down the function at the end of the stick you're turning your 1st parameter to zero. then you've lost your sensitivity and you end up with nothing,nothing,nothing GO! some will mistake this for delay but its not

TooTall 08-16-2008
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Yeah Bullfrogg thats how! theres alot of guys out there that you can grab their box, move their stix 50% in all directions and the boom wont even wiggle let alone keep up with a pour. this is what I was refering to when I said "brain-dead-mode". It sucks being behind all the time Plus you run the risk of snapp'n off your stix or end'n up with carpletunnle. these guys either dont know n e better or they're afraid to learn something new. or just dont care because theyre so excited to get off a black&white.

ruck 08-16-2008
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I bury everything.


baddassduramax 08-16-2008
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or you just deal with whatever your remote does when your mechanic wont adjust anything for you...pretty sweet let me tell you. main up is as touchy as black and white, tip wont extend in turtle mode, etc. etc.

bri 08-17-2008
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which 60m did you run Jer.?

bri 08-17-2008
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440 is a pig it has no balls at all. Most of the time you will be doing 25mph on the interstate

65m Petee 08-17-2008
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bri, you wont run my pump its to clean....lol

bri 08-17-2008
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I think you and Jimmy are both light in the loafers