26mz Concord.
Slavedattler 05-27-2007
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Here is our dead horse. We might look at a 32z as the 26 has a higher ceiling.

Bob 05-27-2007
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you have hoses drrrrrrrraggggging on the road? A 5 section 32m can unfold inside a residential garage. They are hot.

Slavedattler 05-27-2007
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We have been sitting this peice of iron along time.

Yup the pump gets raped daily of its hose, they just leave it low for easy steal hehe.

I heard Pumpco got 2. I like the 5 sections sounds usefull. I looked at Schwings 31ez But probably a bit more cash and 1 ft less foot print.

Seed 05-27-2007
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When you say DEAD HORSE, What happened?  

Slavedattler 06-02-2007
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Had to rent a Astra 50, the other day, buddy said they just bought the 32z also. They do alot of tiltups, so I would imagine this 32 would go inside the buildings also.