$300.00 first place, $100 second place $100 third place.
Todd 03-15-2012
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That is right ConcretePumping.com is in need of a few Youtube.com home grown commercials.

If you can come up with a “Why I love ConcretePumping.com” commercial I will pay $50.00 per ad. One ad per person please. I will pay the $50 for up to 10 commercials and $300 for a first place, $100 for second place and $100 for third place.

You can do this with your video camera or cell phone, Things that I am looking to see in the commercial is why you love ConcretePumping.com, a shout out to one or more of my sponsors and why people should join ConcretePumping.com

This ad or commercial can be funny, thoughtful and feature your pump or your company. You get bounce points if you have someone famous from our industry in the ad or maybe even your boss.

Come up with your own ideas and lets have some fun. I am spending 1k on this so I am hopping you guys make some cash and have some fun doing it.

Please be safe.


If your a sponsor your welcome to toss out a video also.

Email me the link to your video uploaded to Youtube and I will Send you the $50.00 (up to 10 People)

Todd 03-15-2012
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Remember this can just be a video you shoot while in the yard on a job or at home, just say why you love ConcretePumping.com mention one of my sponsors and boom you got 50.00 bucks.

Mr. Ed 03-16-2012
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And remember that Todd won't publish any video that shows safety violations.  Right, Todd?

Todd 03-16-2012
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That is right Mr. Ed. Remember guys this can be a short shout out or go big and make something really cool.