grass hopper 11-21-2008
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water washing in z worked!

mytfynsunshine 11-21-2008
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Nice pic. Post more sexy pumper. LOL

scolew 11-21-2008
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water washing in z mode, how bad was the rock jam on your next pour? For safety sake, take your tip hose off!!!

Nate 11-21-2008
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I have water washed in Z before, but always sucked a ball afterwards. There was always A LOT of rock left before sucking a ball. I definitely wouldn't try to prime without sucking a ball..... Did you notice a bunch of rock left in the boom while folding up?

grass hopper 11-21-2008
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i sucked a ball back! i will post more for you mytefine!!

grass hopper 11-21-2008
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just another pic from the week

mrmike36z 11-22-2008
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I just don't get it! Water washed and then sucked a ball. Why bother...just suck a ball. Waste of time in my opinion.

nig 11-25-2008
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put a ball in suck it back a touch then throw a bucket of water then a clean out cube suck them both back nice and staedy and bamm mint clean pipeline

bri 11-28-2008
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I feel old man, I ran the VERY first 32z ever made!

macdaddy 12-04-2008
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water washing in a z boom is almost impossible, grasshopper i dont think you did it, i once did it in my 70 meter