38m pics
mudcup 01-10-2012
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88yd inside slab

mudcup 01-10-2012
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mudcup 01-10-2012
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mudcup 01-10-2012
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mudcup 01-10-2012
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mudcup 01-10-2012
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17 1/2yd. footing wooo whooo

mudcup 01-10-2012
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mudcup 01-10-2012
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mudcup 01-10-2012
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mudcup 01-10-2012
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mudcup 01-10-2012
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mudcup 01-10-2012
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mudcup 01-10-2012
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mudcup 01-10-2012
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mudcup 01-10-2012
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Todd 01-10-2012
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Thanks for posting the pictures. Very cool.

mudcup 01-10-2012
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Anytime Todd thank you for providing us with this site it's an awesome tool to ask questions and post pictures I enjoy hearing what other operators think of my photos I welcome negative or positive comments.Tongue out

bcantor 01-10-2012
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these are nice pictures Mudcup and we all appreciate you showing us how lazy you are in not extending your outriggers in the first two pictures. Looks like there was plenty of room for them to be extended also ? gotta question why a seasoned operator like yourself would do this kind of set up ? 


Wonder if your boss seen these pictures if he would approve of you putting his company on front street like this ?

kevcon 01-10-2012
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if you look in the 1st pic it looks like the grade drops off pretty quik to the drivers side, he is workin passangerside so prob figured bettter have pads on good hard flat ground rather than sloped angled crap........???????? just a thought

kevcon 01-10-2012
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and actually if you look at the 3rd pic u can see its a big hole and im guessing he needs a certain distance from the building to get the sections unfloded and in, i used to run a elliot vp 29 and we always had to stay away 15' from outriggers

mudcup 01-10-2012
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Well bcantor on the driverside of my pump there is a retention pond that I had to get very close to in order to get the boom in the building, I had no room to open up the outriggers and the ground was solid and I was working off the passanger side  so I suggest before you run your mouth you think about all the  factors that could come into play. Let me know when your around the Jersey area and we can meet up and you can show me the correct way to run a pump cause it's obvious I have no idea what I'm doing. Thank you to the gentlman who actually thought before they posted that is excatly why I set up that way.

16 CELL 01-10-2012
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great pics.... good job on the shortrigging of the front telescoping X-frame outrigger, all the way in just like it shows in the ACPA manual. Job well done!

Dipstick 01-10-2012
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Must be new her.. Who can think that mudcup would set up like that and not have a very good reason for it... Wink 

mile mark 96 01-11-2012
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Mudcup,I run a 36z and I would have done it differently.You have beacoup room to get the boom in the building,basically I stay the length of the A section away from the stucture.There is no safety factor in your set-up if you had some problems like a rock pack,how would you stand your boom straight up?The back outrigger looks like it could have been partially extended.BTW I have been operating concrete boom trucks for 28 years,and I'm still on the sticks,be careful........

Dipstick 01-11-2012
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The back outrigger looks like it could have been partially extended... Nobody told you in the last 28 years that you can not do that?  Officialy that is.. I admit I do it to but its better not to do it..

And how do you get the whole boom in to a 4meter high door when you stand exactly the length of the A section away from the door???

seedless 01-11-2012
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I think the issue with what seems like critic is we all have our ways and pictures do not justify a set up.

We should word things with this in mind, it just leaves it open for ideas and suggestions. Online forums in any job hobby or anything get miss read. I get this allot, I work in power lines allot, and a picture shows it as close to some but I was there and it's legal.

We also have to take critic also, not thinking we are being attacked, or just explain our picture, and let the know it all people roast in it. Just saying.

This forum is great, but roasting is one of the biggest problems here. Try to help or ask, we learn constantly, when you stop  learning then watch and listen, 90% listen 6% watch and 4% talk make a succesful operator or nagotiator. 


Great pics,of every day pumping Mudcup we all get close sometimes to make things happen, if you don't their lying.

Just like the ol saying I never ground a gear, hmm. We have to make judgment calls everyday, and no one else is there to see how soild ground is or how far a power line is, no substitute for a well seasoned operator. 

mile mark 96 01-11-2012
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I am not a structural engineer but the rear outrigger swings out and does not extend from a "box",a totally different principle.As far as distance from a structure,measure from the side of the truck therefore giving you 2-3 ft. of clearance.

bcantor 01-11-2012
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There is only one way to set up a concrete boom truck, and thats the right way.


Sorry if I  offended you mudcup, I just dont want to see you or your co-workers injured due to a lazy boy set up is all. no harm meant and again I apologize for being so brusque with my earlier post.

Dipstick 01-11-2012
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O.. Yes.. Now I see its a swing out. Thought it was a 'slide out' type..

But I still think its an ok setup. Enough room to put the boom up in the air over the right rear. I realy don't see the problem.

mudcup 01-11-2012
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Thank you to those guys that took the time to think about why I may have setup this way. I just took offence to this guys calling me lazy it takes about 10 sec to put out two outriggers why wouldn't I set it up with the driver side riggers out wow I must have had no ohter choice. What I failed to mention is that I had originaly set up 10' closer to the building than what the pics show I was to close and there for could not stuff the boom. I AT NO TIME CROSSED THE PLAIN OF THE PASSANGER OUTRIGGERS. I did not mention this because I was emarrassed that I had to set up twice to do a job. If I had this job to do over again I would have set up the same way. I must look back at my pump at least 100 times during every job I make sure no outriggers even move an inch. Think about this if these pumps were not designed to be shortrigged why would they send em out of the factory with OSS. Everybody is entitled to thier opinion but I ask that we all start thinking about every possible scenario before we criticize. I find It very hard to believe that any of us would risk our future and other peoples lives just because we're LAZY. I've been pumping for about 9yrs. and I never had any issues with set up I am extreamly cautious, I believe that setup is the most critical part of pumping. We as operators have enough to worry about harsh mixes, drivers, a$$hole QC guys and inspectors, customers who know more about your job then you do etc. The least we can do is set the truck up right and safe so we have one less thing to think about.

Christie 01-11-2012
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I've posted this before but it seems like a good time to show it again, it was one of my stranger set ups, but, quite safe as long as i didn't swing the boom too far to the passenger side.  With all the trees in the way it was the only option. No, cutting down the trees was not an option and no it's not photoshopped, the passenger side out rigger is fully extended just not swung out all the way.

boony 01-11-2012
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i think you have already gone too far with the position the boom is in.in most cases and yours might be different but you should always keep boom between the fully extended outriggers.might not have fallen over but unneeded stress would be applied to machine and result in failure down the track.

Dipstick 01-12-2012
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Now thats a tricky one Chris.. This is a 42m Schwing isn't it? I had one like that to and was asked to set up like that one time.. I was shit scared. But it all depends on how far you had the right outrigger out? Did you swing it out to about 90 degrees to the truck or less? I think you went quite far here but I can't see the right outrigger so I'm not sure. I also think its hard to know with these tipe of outriggers to know how far you can go..  I couldn't say if this was bad or not but I would keep the boom inside the extended outriggers aswell...

mudcup 01-12-2012
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If you look over the right headlight you can just see the outrigger looks to me like it.s almost fully extended

Dipstick 01-12-2012
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O yes. Now I see. that doesn't look that bad... Looks quite ok to me Cool

pumpin man 01-12-2012
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nice pics, love that size z boom

Joel@4perllc.com 01-14-2012
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Holy hell Christie!  Looks like some major pucker factor from where im sitting!  I've always thought you can shortrig the 2 section slideout fronts as long as its all the way to end of first extension, but i might be wrong.  Btw, I was not aware that Schwing made a 42 Z Boom....

Christie 01-14-2012
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It's not a Z boom It's a standard issue, garden variety 42M  The right front is shortrigged and not swung out as far as it should be?

Christie 01-14-2012
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