4230m3 BY 4PUMPS (17hours)
Munir 06-12-2008
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Munir 06-12-2008
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Dear Todd ,

Please delete my blank message that is my mistake sorry for that


Sergei 06-12-2008
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Great pic's. Good work man.

Bob 06-12-2008
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You folks are really pounding in the mud. What is the structure you are working on?

toper 06-12-2008
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nice schwings like always munir, ohh the pics are great too

Munir 06-13-2008
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Here is all sand area and water is very near from ground so all big projects are making a deeply foundion .

Thank You

Bob 06-13-2008
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What kind of a building is it?

office building - treatment plant - mc donalds

you know, what will it be ?

Bop ;~()

Munir 06-14-2008
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This is general hospital building.

thanks for your interest

Bob 06-14-2008
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My favorite place to pump has always been nuclear power plants. The reason being the acres of 100% compacted sand around the project.

If anyone ever wanted a safe place to set-up a pump with just the factory pads, it is on compacted sand.

It looks to me as if ALL of the jobs that you pump over there are either on sand or rock. You obviously do not have a lot of "dirt".

It is probably hard for you to understand my obsession for extra cribbing under the outrigger pads.

I have set-up and operated a 140 creter crane on just the factory pads... on a nuke job.