52m 5section
Raymond 09-11-2008
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Great machine.  The 1st section is 35', so standing straight up, it reaches around 45' - from there, the last 4 sections are 30' each--all 5" delivery line.  This makes buildings up to 5 stories really fun to do because the first section gets you to the floor you're working on and then you have a 120' 4 section boom to work with.  really versatile

FYI- the cut next to the outriggers is a little over a foot...so to quote WHO??..."Shut it!"

check this out...here's what a 4 section boom looks like at the 4th floor...


WHO?? 09-11-2008
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VERY COOL!!!.... I was tryin to talk my boss into gettin me one of those

Bob 09-11-2008
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The original, real versitile boom.

5 sections are the answer!

typesdubs 09-11-2008
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How many degrees does the first section move? Around 90 or so. Give me a new Schwing 5 section 52 Meter and then you're talking a really versatile pump.

oregonfan6285 09-12-2008
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a 52 putz 5 section is the best pump ever designed in my opinion. can you put that entire boom on the new 52 schwing in a building? you can with the putz.

greedy 09-12-2008
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  putz 5 section z fold best boom in the world inside and out side buildings

TooTall 09-15-2008
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Yeah, As long as the 5sec. 52putz is mounted on a TRUCK and not a TRAILER! Yeah I've ran a 52trailer-pump with a 1-ton following behind full of whips & dunnage! It was fun (NOT). Be specific on your pump endorsements Oregonfan.

Raymond 09-15-2008
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pink panther 09-24-2008
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I would have to agree. I now run a 61sx, but my favorite pump of all is the putz 52. Very versital