5th section went backwards
Surf 06-15-2007
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Had to rent a pump yesterday to cover an indoor job for a good customers needs. the company sent out a new CIFA 31. it was "wild" the last section number 5 could rotate like a ferris wheel, round and round. the pump had to set up tight to the building outside,  he snaked thru the front glass door over a slab then rotated the last section "backwards" up a opening to the second floor. then pumped the 1st floor under it. their was no way i could have done this with my 4 section z., it was kick a..  the operator was cool and said he is in high demand now all the time with this thing, rain or shine. I want one, money maker.

Slavedattler 06-17-2007
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Agree the smaller more versatile machine that just does the job is worth all the tea in China.