6088 Visitors from 54 countries in 3 days
04-26-2007 |
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Well in 3 days we have had 6088 Visitors from 54 countries and if you want to see the stats just go to th! e bottom of www.concretepumping.com and check out the stats. You can see how many people from what countries have been on www.concretepumping.com since 4-23-07
It is over 2000 people ad day. Not bad.
We hit another milestone also. We just had our 1200 new member to ConcretePumping.com That is 1200 people with user name and passwords who log on to this web site. That just blows me away and I want to thank you all.
ConcretePumping.com has become more than just a web site, it has become an addiction for many and a addiction that is worth having. I want to thank all those who share there safety info, questions and responses. You guys are the one that helps to show what this web site is all about.
I too am addicted to ConcretePumping.com and I enjoy you all, its part of my life.
If any one needs any help with anything please let me know.
Todd Bullis www.concretepumping.com 805 659-3437
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