green gold 09-05-2009
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I spotted this cool 63m on the way to a job in NYC on Friday.

biged 09-05-2009
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New York City get a rope

northwest63 09-05-2009
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northwest63 09-05-2009
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RAM03 09-05-2009
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nice rig

Pump N00b 09-05-2009
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Many 09-05-2009
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All the above but the wheels and tires are shamefull.

biged 09-05-2009
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northwest63 you are right hey in NYC traffic a guy could run out of fuel.

bisley57 09-05-2009
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Maybe they designed it so a rear outrigger could be used as a fuel tank?

Many 09-05-2009
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bus,that's a keen observation,wished I had thought about that.Your right schwing did that on the 52/55 m

ShortStik 09-05-2009
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thats a sweet rig.

with the 7 axle, wonder if he is still legal with his outriggers filled with fuel and water? had a jun-jin 55 whose outrigger tanks was 1000L +.  Super sweet but not road legal 

Drew AUS 09-06-2009
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He might have duel tanks!


rick5z 09-06-2009
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there are pics of that pump on putz's website under paint showcase

Many 09-06-2009
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rick5z 09-06-2009
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thanks many i dont know how to put up a link


green gold 09-06-2009
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I cant see how you could get much use for it in NYC it would take up a whole block when its spread out.

The Cat 09-07-2009
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if you look on the outrigger's there are viewing gauges for the fuel and on the other leg ( useing the putz paint link )there's one for the water.. it's the same set up on my 63.. he also seems to duel fuel tanks as well... my 63 hold's about 1500 litre's of fuel fully loaded

pumperman 09-07-2009
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does the 63 putz have a outrigger that feeds the saddle bags like the old schwings if so then he can do alot but i agree with many thats a beauitful rig but those wheels would clean up great and make it stand out.