OE Local 3 | 03-10-2008 | comment profile send pm notify |
San Francisco , CA. Doing a little fill in, while work was being done on the placing boom. OE-3
Many | 03-10-2008 | reply profile send pm notify |
That's class,nice job!!! |
Seed | 03-10-2008 | reply profile send pm notify |
Cool Pics! I have to ask, What is the blue contraption that the system goes into from the hopper and what is the stem coming back out of it? What is that contraption with the short tip hose? I never seen anything like it. This is why I am asking. |
hammah | 03-11-2008 | reply profile send pm notify |
seed. the blue contraption is a divertion valve used to switch the line over for the clean out and the other one with the small hose is a blow out stand which gets placed into the mixer so that they can clean out the placing boom and system into the cement truck. |
Big Tobacco | 03-11-2008 | reply profile send pm notify |
Hey Seed, I will try and get some photos of a "blow down" for you. It's really a crucial part of the placing boom process. Like I tell people when they ask me about placing boom... "hours of tedious boredom, accentuated with moments of sheer terror and panic!!!" LOL |
OE Local 3 | 03-11-2008 | reply profile send pm notify |
Seed, just what Hammah said : its a diverter valve so you can blow down the boom & Stand pipe into the mixer. 3 Bus, You aint a kiddin... It will turn some heads..wack-wack!
OneHit | 03-14-2008 | reply profile send pm notify |
really nice Pics 3 , But dont like the cribage under that 1 outrigger ;(, Especially on plywood with that slope .. |
Bob | 03-14-2008 | reply profile send pm notify |
Good call 2,384 pictures and... |