A friend sent in this pump repair tip? lets keep this going.
Todd 10-14-2009
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Mac tools makes a double-ended pic with a handle. Part #SW10. I paid 6.00 dollars for it. When an operator gets oil in their water box, it can be only one thing, The dreaded DIFF ROD seals, or, some folks call them chevrons. The allen head bolts that hold the collars on get rusty and you fight with the allen tool to remove the bolts and then, fight to get the chevrons out. This little double-ended pic from Mac Tools makes the repair so much nicer. I bought two of them and use them together to snake the chevrons out. Clean the collar up real good and use new allen bolts to re-assemble. To make your next DIFF ROD seal replacement go quicker, try a dab of caulking in the head of each allen bolt when finished! Thanks for the tip Mike.

JohnA 10-15-2009
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compressed air always worked fine for me it will pop them right out. this way you won't scratch the rod. For the rusted or somtimes rotted bolts you could buy twist sockets. I got mine from snap on but granger and sears even sells them now metric or sae they really lock onto the head of the bolt. Schwing sells an install toll for there units works nice speeds up the process. The main thing is to measure and shim so you only have 1 mm of crush on the seal set 

b-alto 10-16-2009
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I'm going to need to due mine soon. I've noticed a little oil. Mike from CPR? If so he knows his stuff.

pumpwrench 11-07-2009
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nice pick, I want one!