A Team baby
PumpKid_88 09-06-2010
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heres a few picz of me and my daddy-o

PumpKid_88 09-06-2010
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me in the traler tk-50 and pop on a 36 putz z 2 walls side by side

PumpKid_88 09-06-2010
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PumpKid_88 09-06-2010
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thats me un foldin the 36m gitin some stick exp

PumpKid_88 09-06-2010
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pump str8 up 2 n a half inc hose 7 yards frist truck wen i got to va

PumpKid_88 09-06-2010
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im sure gna miss this baby i gota find the b4 pic yall but here she is all cleaned up

"MUDDY" 09-06-2010
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run that thang in "Z". or is it too hard?

PumpKid_88 09-06-2010
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its pretty hard i aint had to much time to run it in z

Pump N00b 09-07-2010
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Z is awesome if you have room for it.

"MUDDY" 09-07-2010
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ROOM FOR IT???? in that pic there is nothing but room. what do you mean room? it takes less room to run it in "Z".

PumpKid_88 09-07-2010
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z booms are ment for mat pores where roll and fold cant git to or sym poors its some tight to run a boom but thats what a z is for but the knowin to run a z is a diff thing but there gr8 effin pumps putz are my pumps to run and glad my dad showed me the ropes in the trade

Pump N00b 09-07-2010
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Yep, Z is for mats or indoors. Running Z on walls as high as the cab is pain when you come close to the pump. Better A-frame it in those situations.

Dipstick 09-07-2010
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Z can be your best friend but it can also be a pain sometimes!! If they could make the 2-3 elbow bend even further it would help.

"MUDDY" 09-08-2010
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I run a 36Z putz most days and i run it in z for everything. it is real good on slabs because all you have to work most of the time is sect. 3 and 4. the third will over extend and let the tip come under. BUT... like you said if you are coming close to the truck, you better be moving some part of the boom at all times or you will get behind. there are alot of dead spots in the arcs of the sections so you better be on your toes.

PumpKid_88 09-08-2010
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heres a pic of the b4 i got to run it the gy thay did run it sure didint care for it

Trey 09-11-2010
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Amazing what a little TLC can do

Dipstick 09-12-2010
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Thats exactly how I do it too MUDDY. But i've noticed there are actualy places you can't come with the z boom. I had a deck on the 1st floor. About 5 meters high. I had placed the pump with the outriggers onder the floor. I could not get to the nearest area to the pump. The customer had to push the hose about 2 meters. It was no problem but it is a strange situation. It would help a lot if the 1st section could tip a bit further back like on a pumi.

SUPERDOFFER 09-12-2010
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This is one of the things a z boom is made for

SUPERDOFFER 09-12-2010
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SUPERDOFFER 09-12-2010
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Oh and yes its short rigged but otherwise i can't make enough distands to the door. Keep the custommer satisfied

PumpKid_88 09-12-2010
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no sort rig for me but any who what kinda pump is that?...

Vasa 09-12-2010
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It looks like a Putzmeister m36 Z . Why no shortrigging ?

pumpjockey 09-12-2010
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You're right, great application for a Z-Boom.  It wouldn't have had to be shortrigged to that extreme, the outriggers on the left side could have gone out another foot or 2  (30 - 60 cm), but maybe I can't see what else is going on on that side?

Just wondering, why the tall door when there are beams going across to restrict the height anyways?

Dipstick 09-12-2010
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Looks good supperd! The men in red must have been happy with you again. You guys started with single ended hoses now? Or is it a special short hose for these kind of jobs? But I see your 1st section tips quite far backwards. I have a JMBH 38z boom but my 1st section doesnt tip back more than 1 degree i think. Thats the problem. Stupid spannish... But its an OK pump though. Looking at the price. We have 4 of them but they never seriously let us down. Only small details that are a bit irritating but can be fixed. A lot of parts come from PM.

Say hello to ted and the boys next time!!

SUPERDOFFER 09-12-2010
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Whell pumpjockey  shortrigging is shortrigging it means you can't turn your boom that way. So it don't mater how far you put them out unles its ful extended but then its not shortrigging!!!

SUPERDOFFER 09-12-2010
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Oh and dipstick this is my special 3 meter hose for those special poors. the boys where ready to lay out the system when I sad stop whe can do it of the boom! you can????  yes I can!!!! you have to do some thing special if you have to compete whit the white booms. They love me.....

SUPERDOFFER 09-12-2010
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B.T.W. the man in bleu also can smile when I am around

SUPERDOFFER 09-12-2010
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And howe often have you Jos seen smile

Dipstick 09-12-2010
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haha. Is he back at vloertechniek? Than I can imagine he smiles a lot now..

pumpjockey 09-12-2010
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That is true, but the wider the stance you can give, the more stable the set-up will be, especially when that first section is past vertical as it is. My pump doesn't do that, so it's merely an assumption on my part that there would be a bit of wobbliness. Anyways, I don't see a problem with short-rigging on that particular job, as you are highly unlikely to swing past the right front outrigger, or the left rear. Good pictures.

Dipstick 09-12-2010
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Thank god jockey.. I was afraid you where turning soft on us ;-)

Vasa 09-12-2010
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It is no problem to go past the rearleg when you shortrig a Schwing or Putz , You can put the hose in the hopper . Even on a Putz with overhead R&F You can shortrig and the boom go past the centerline , Putz has a video of that .

pumpjockey 09-12-2010
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Vasa, with the stiffleg rear out riggers, it is possible to safely swing up to the left rear outrigger in this case. But beyond that, it's between you and the center of gravity, I wonder who will win??

Vasa 09-12-2010
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Can you explain to Me wich type of rear supportleg it doesnt work with . Every pump i has operated shortriged has I reach the hopper , when I do it like the manual says . From 16-46 meter , And I know that Putz 52 58 and 63 does it to but I have not operate one of these pump shortriged .

pumpjockey 09-12-2010
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A Dinosaur like this:

Dipstick 09-13-2010
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haha. Yes. I drove that one to for a while to. 42m schwing. Tricky pump for shortrigging. You almost just HAD to swing out these legs. Needed a lot of space.

SUPERDOFFER 09-13-2010
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Yep that is the old 42 double swingout you can't shortrig that bastard

Dipstick 09-13-2010
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I once had it with the left front backwards to keep traffic going. The men in blue wanted me to boom between the right front rigger and the cabin. I refused. Your curent boss thought it should go fine to but still I didn't do it. Luckely. We've all see what happens when you do that.  


Dipstick 09-13-2010
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Sorry one more time the link.



"MUDDY" 09-13-2010
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hey superd why wouldn't you just go over the beams? why the short rig? looks good until you smack the main cylinder with that knuckle. and it will hit. don't see why you  stuck it in like that. that was a bouncin' s.o.b when you was pumping.

pumpjockey 09-13-2010
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I doubt it was bouncing too bad. No point in having the volume set at 80% on short swings like that. Not enough room for the manpower to deal with high production rates. 30 m/hr on the volume would be PLENTY!! And why go over the beam? Much less room for maneauvering. Or were you being sarcastic? if so, a smiley helps convey that meaning. ;-)

pumpjockey 09-13-2010
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I've got a 2 meter hose for the tight jobs.