A Two Headed Siamese 'Mud Snake'!
TooTall 11-04-2009
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 A customer had walls with 4" foam in the center of a 12" wall. As well as sheet metal heating ducts every few feet that were filled with pea gravel so the didn't collapse under the weight of the concrete. The gravel was drained from the ducts after they were striped.

 They asked if there was any way to pump the walls from both sides of the inserts so they wouldn't move side to side. Soooo, The blue 'siamese' Mud Snake was the result... 

TooTall 11-04-2009
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 And it worked like a charm! Or should I say  Like a Snake charm!

 Although I wished I'd remembered to grab some extra pins. Had to use the ole ghetto pins (nails) Oh well?

My2cents 11-05-2009
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Next time take your picture showing what it is clamped to. Out of focus or not, I personnally would like to see what that siamese is clamped to.

The way the picture is taken makes one wonder if that may just be attached to a double ender.

Just my opinion. Have at it boys, I kow where it goes from here!

Many 11-05-2009
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TT,you know me.I would be more interested in pic's of the wall,just sounds real odd.That's one heck of a idea to solve a problem,nice.

Vasa 11-05-2009
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M2c ofcours it's clamped to a double- ender ! But the 2 bluehoses has no metal on the end , so what is the problem ? The weight , dont think so ! We have run this setup many times when We filled around big waterpipes , 1200 mm in diameter with "light-conrete" .

pudg 11-05-2009
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again My2cents ignorance never ceases to amaze me ,uhhhh he duct taped it to the hose what a dumbass.

rcraig 11-05-2009
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hasnocents is just being a prick, trying to start shit

BIG PAPA PUMP 11-05-2009
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Of course it's probobly clamed to a double ender you moron!  Sure you could clamp it straight to the reducer but what a bitch to manuver, work smarter not harder.  Oh and i suppose the reason you said somthing about the double ender in the first place is because of the steel end and how it may be able to hurt someone???  Am i rite???  Well if you look closer my no cents the WHOLE FLIPPIN BLUE PIECE IS ALL ONE PIECE OF STEEL!!!!  The damn bell of the double ender would be least of anyone's worries.  Good job TT.  My no cents strikes again with his vast knowlege of punding sand.

16 CELL 11-05-2009
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don't see how the metal ended hose is a problem in this application... although there probably should be a safety chain attaching the Y-pipe to the boom... yes/no???   Very cool setup, nice to see some innovative ideas like this out there...

Pump N00b 11-05-2009
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Cool setup.
Yeah, 16 Cell, a chain, strap or whatever is always a good idea. From the metal Y to the hose is what I would have done.

thomas 11-05-2009
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Looks like Smurfette's fallopian tubes.

murf 11-05-2009
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Never tried layflat before , probably never had the balls too!!!!!!! always thought it would pop, how long does it last?  Did make enquiries about the mud snake but the price was way out.

Hey tootall do you get to charge for 2 hose men????  (nice!!!)

Mudslinger 11-05-2009
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I've said it before, I'll say it again Don't let the ends of the blue hose get tangled up in anything, or you'll never get them out of the wall! Been there, done that !! And use Band-It clamps! Trying to put those hoses on after it pops off is a nightmare! BT DT

Big Tobacco 11-05-2009
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Hey Rob,


Was on that sight yesterday trying to figure out how to get a mobile crane, 120 yards of back fill, a 110' Telebelt , a hopper and a BobCat in there to backfill the east walls of the project... Talked to Monty and he is very pleased with the way the walls are going up. Good job!!!

Big T

Pumper J 11-05-2009
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The hose pictured here people is NOT a "Mudsnake", nor is it made by the manufacturers of the Mudsnake hose.  This is somthing that someone made in their garage and looks dangerous.  I doubt this contraption has been tested for safety pressures and the end is held together with a couple of hose clamps.  I would not let anything like this goofy thing anywhere near my job site. 

pudg 11-05-2009
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Pumper J fill out your profile, now just because the almighty price gouging destroyers of our industry didnt make it doesnt make it unsafe ,I bet you work for them dont you,this is the rite application for using this system,unlike what I have seen people using the mudsnake to pour slabs with, and furthermore being he isnt marketing it or trying to sell you one you shouldnt ever have to use it,so I say good job TT, and I have used the hose just like he used with out any problems doing jobs like what he is doing so that doesnt make it full proof but hey neither is the mudsnake anything can be made dangerous,and nothing is idiot proof thats why I only suggest seasoned operators such as TT and many others here use it let Pumper J and all the others figure out the better way,hey I gotta plan call My2cents I bet yall come up with a real good way maybe wheelbarrows ,shovels , buckets , how ingenious of yall.

Pumper J 11-05-2009
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Envy:  may be defined as an emotion that "occurs when a person lacks another's (perceived) superior quality, achievement, or possession and either desires it or wishes that the other lacked it.

Slinger 11-05-2009
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I think it's pretty cool and I like it. Good job TooTall. Just curious as to how stiff the mix was and if the concrete segregated very much?

oly 11-05-2009
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We use that type of hose when doing block fill works good. Just make sure to keep an eye on the inside of  the hose before each use for wear. Also ICF walls. Nice job Too Tall on the twin hose setup.  I like your ideas and opinions!

TooTall 11-05-2009
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 First and foremost, Thank you all for watching my back while I was out pumping concrete. You guys are great and your backs are always covered on my watch in return!

 Pumper J you are totally right. This home made device by no means equals the quality and durability of a Real deal "Mud Snake" offered by Brundage Bone. Nor was it tested or rated the equivalent of the real thing either.

 I would also like you (all) to know that this device is NOT something I would offer or use with any other customer besides the one doing the job it was designed for. This device was designed and built not just in my garage but also in the shop of the job superintendant. Side by side as a joint effort to be used on the end of my boom to pump his job. Plain and simple!    

BIG PAPA PUMP 11-05-2009
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  Once agagin very well put TT.  You say you were out pumpin mud in this fine weather were having today?  You lucky dog!  Hey i hear your outfit may be possibly coming into my neck of the woods to do a job??  Westport ring a bell??  Just the word on the beach.

TooTall 11-05-2009
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 HAHaha!!! The smaller the world the faster the word! "Maybe" would be the key word BigPaPa. Have not heard one way or the other. I dont believe anyone's been awarded the job just yet?

TooTall 11-05-2009
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 OH MY doG! This heathin contraption with it's two flailing blue whips of death is not only hanging from a 4 foot wire bound DOUBLE ENDED 3" Hose but it's also equipped with not one but TWO dangerous 'death straps' above and below!!!

WHO?? 11-05-2009
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I want to try to water wash it!!!!!

TooTall 11-05-2009
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HEY WHO! Long time no see (read). You ole JibRoller, how you been?

 You probably could have. The self consolidating 70/30 7" slump looked more like grout with the occasional 3/8 pea rock here & there! 

pudg2 11-05-2009
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Pumper J envy? I envy no one in this business ? I lost you there, but hey you answered my question,you work for them and I'll leave it at that .

Trey 11-05-2009
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I know a couple pipe clamps will keep my hydraulic hoses on, Im sure they will keep those on.

BIG PAPA PUMP 11-05-2009
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  I hear ya TT.  I did the resort right next to it a few years back pretty good gig.  They put the awger cast pile down a lil while back and ran out of $$$ so there they sit.  Another failed attempt. lol.  Well if you do get down this way hit me up and i'll but ya a cocktail @ the islander. 

Todd 11-05-2009
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TooTall I am siding with you on this one but i would just say it a bit nicer that is all.

What if it was connected to the end of the boom? that would be ok right? No hose no whip just the unit and the hose coming off of the boom? what do you think TooTall?

WHO?? 11-05-2009
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I've been good!,You?? I have been around,But with all the BBCP "Discussions" if you will.I have been layin low (you know,gotta stay below the top of the grass lol).. And as for the self consolidating mud,Yeah that stuff is weird I have pumped it a couple times,It's alot like pumping sausage gravy. Any how I really like what you guys came up with to solve your problem,Very creative!!

TooTall 11-05-2009
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 Yeah that'd be OK coming strait off the reducer Todd, since the blue flat hoses do not have any sort of metal end to whip around and whack someone/something.

 But as you can see in the second picture the metal 'Y' piece is possitioned just above the top of the wall for the majority of the pour. If it were clamped to the reducer the margin for error is greatly reduced and the slightest movement to the right or left, or even up & down could kink one of the tremme hoses or hit a worker. If it were to come down on someones hand or foot, having it attached to a hose could mean the difference between being broken & bruised vs. crushed & cut off! 

 Having it attached to a hose makes it much easier to manage as it's raised and lowered in & out of the wall and also if it were to plug in the reducer. The simple fact of how much the tip of the boom will rise and drop as the pump is turned on & off is reason enough to use a hose between any type of tremme and the boom.    

TooTall 11-05-2009
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 In other words "Who's on the down low" is now a statement as well as a question!

 Dont forget to tuck your tail below grass grade, it's a dead give away for predators on the prowel, camo netting & face paint helps too Who.

Many 11-06-2009
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Perhaps it's just me but when I saw this I looked at creativity for an unusual problem.I had never really thought about this approach,how many did? Still would like to see pic's of the wall and reasons.TT,ya did good

Weave 11-06-2009
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Are they able to spin the  "t" portion pretty easy? Kind of a cool idea.

pudg 11-06-2009
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I do understand the concerns but as was said earlier I do believe the safest way with this y is attached to a 5" doubleender, straight to the boom leaves very little room for boom bounce human error , I just do believe he did it the safest way possible and I say good job.

FunnyBoom 11-07-2009
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What if he was to lengthen the blue "mud Snake" hose, then you could do away with the shorty hose all together. If you lengthened the blue hose it would resolve the problem of having the Y right at the top of the wall where it is near all those people and most dangerous and the blue hose would give you the flexibility you need for all those instances you described. Very creative but I feel if those hoses were to get kinked or plugged and released or anything of that nature it could cause a whip and with that shorty hose and the Y right at everybodys level it could get ugly. Personally I would have lengthened the blue hose a few feet and came straight off the reducer that just gives you that many less components that could fail at any given time. Still a very clever solution for this job TT!

pudg2 11-07-2009
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its a y if you kink one wouldnt it just relieve to the other port,? just asking probably could be disected and a few things added to appease everyone ,but overall I think it was done pretty safe.

FunnyBoom 11-07-2009
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Yes you are right, but isnt there always that chance that they could both kink at the same time? You know the nature of pumping concrete and crazy shit sure can happen. I always try to use the least amount of components as possible as it reduces clamps, slings, etc.

bull-frog 11-07-2009
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Hey guys, haven't posted in a while, just been reading the site but I couldn't resist today!!  Great idea TT.  Looked like it worked fine.  Keep it in case you need to use it again.  Why is it that my2cents always trys to get shit started, only says one little thing, then when everyone makes him out to be a DUMBASS!!!!!!, doesn't come back with a reply.  And doesn't come out with his real name.  Why does everyone hide behind their screen name like some chickenshit!!  Can't stand it.  Anyways, that guy just pisses me off, lol.  Had to put my two cents in, LMAO!!

My2cents 11-07-2009
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I love it when you stick your own foot in your mouth after you take it out of somewhere else!

You can have an attitude and belittle someone because of your beliefs, and you may not like theres, yet you yourself will post that would not use it for anyone other than who it was made for.

That unto itself sets you up for failure when it fails, because it is nothing but an accident waiting to happen.It was a good thought . Just do not bitch about people hanging double ended hoses, and anything else hanging from them, sending them down the road as ignorants, when you yourself post pictures of what everyone on this site has discussed in prior posts. What manufacturer other than you stands behind it. I hope you have good coverage when it does fail!

Once again, we continue to talk about the same subjects, and to prove, YOU CAN'T FIX STUPID!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My2cents 11-07-2009
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And TT, Thanks for showing the total setup.

If anyone paid attention to my original post, this was my issue. You all preach safety, I happened to question this particular setup, and once again as in my initial post you all did what I said in the post you would do.Not care what someone else thought. (Have at it Boys)

This practice is not safe, and when you provide us with an Insurance carrier that will insure your practice, let me know. Until then, reducer, whip hose, and if you continue such endeavors in the future, don't post it for all to see!

My2cents 11-07-2009
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And Bull-Frog, I did not catch your name in your profile. GOOD HIT! Once again fellas, practice what you preach. And while your at it let TT know I am not in jail, and I'm just getting started!

TooTall 11-08-2009
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 As I said before, I dont/wont waste my time reading pointless blab like the 3 replies above this one.


 As much as I've learned from this site and the people here, I very much repect the constructive opinions and suggestions offered, so thanks again.

 I'll have you know that before this device is used again I plan to replace the 10' flat hoses with (2) 14' hoses attached with 'Band it clamps' instead. It will still be used with the 4' DE hose otherwise I could not use my aircuff. 

 Yes Pudg, as you figured, pinching off one of the tremme hoses diverts the flow to the other. 


My2cents 11-09-2009
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Sorry TT,

 I really do not want to be a thorn, but how do you turn a 3 inch into 4 inch and hang it above someone's head?

I am far from a dumb ass unless you call me so, (YOUR OPINION), just do not post another comment about safety unless you have a manufacturer or insurance Company that backs you as I previously said. If you do, I WILL STAND DOWN AND EAT CROW!!!!!!!!!! NOUGH SAID

TooTall 11-11-2009
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 Sorry 2Cents, Maybe I got the " & ' mixed up? It's a 4'(foot) x 3"(inch) double end hose. I used the shorter hose to keep the wieght down.