A word of thanks to Todd
Fred The Pump Guy 02-26-2010
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As you may know, Todd and I were partners in Used Concrete Pumps .com. Last Spring, after 7 good years, Todd and I split the sheets.  Good to his word, he gave me a copy of the database from the old website.  This provided the basis of a new website, but it would take many weeks and much money to build a new website and I had neither the time nor money to spare.

Todd then gave me a working copy of the old website so I could stay in business, and in competition with him and the old website.  He had no obligation to do this.

Last Jan., Todd and I received notice that the hosting company for both sites was shutting down in 30 days.  This would not have been a problem except the websites had be built with antiquated software and jury-rigged proceedures and would require an enormous amount of expensive programming before they could be moved.

Again, Todd stepped up and arranged to get the work done, on time, and at no expense to me.  He had no earthly profit in doing so.  He did this as the natural practice of his faith.

Many may smirk at Todd's open Christianity.  Not me, I am just humbly grateful.  Rarely do you find men who practice what they preach.  Todd is one of the special few and he is a Good Man.  If you ever hear anyone maligning Todd's character, send them to me.

Thank you, Todd, and to your brother Matt and his friend Vesco.


Fred, the Pump Guy

Todd 02-27-2010
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The reason I helped you was not because I am a Christian, I had no moral or legal obligation to help you. The reason I helped you was strictly for selfish reasons. You give me too much credit. The reason I spent so much time, money and resources to help you is because I never wanted it to be said and I never wanted to feel like I had any part of you going out of business. I did not even want to be part of the chain of events that brought you down. You are a good man Fred and this industry is better off with you in it. You have always been an asset to our industry and I have enjoyed working with you. Yes I am a Christian but I am more like Homer Simpson than I am a good Christian.

You Fred have been an icon in our industry and you have a rich history in our industry. I am proud to say we worked together and were partners.

All the best my friend.


Fred The Pump Guy 02-27-2010
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Our industry is filled with, and spoiled by, people who actively try to run their competion out of business.  You not only passed an opporunity to lose a competitor, by simply doing nothing, but,instead, you invested greatly in making sure I did not fail.  These are the actions of a man of principal, ethics, and character.  Reject my allegation of Christian motivation if you must but, in your case, it boils down to the same thing.  These are certainly not the actions of a Homer Simpson.  He would have just said "oh oh" and opened another beer.

Todd 02-27-2010
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mmmm beer.

murf 02-27-2010
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fred - id get yours checked out for the odd tracking cookie!!!! lol, only jokin , good on the both of you

Many 02-27-2010
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Do they know you escaped from the old age home?

Love ya man

Mudslinger 02-27-2010
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The best measure of a man is word of deeds and deed of words.

Big Tobacco 02-27-2010
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"For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and loss his own soul?"


Proud to call you my "Brother" Todd...
