ACPA meeting is very hip and cool, I am so glad I came.
Todd 05-02-2014
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I have missed a few ACPA meetings over the last couple years but wow I am so glad I came to this one. So nice to hang out with all the big boys and manufactures. Beth Langhauser is doing a great job as ACPA president, yes she is not from Texas Like Carl Walker but who knows she might end up moving here.

Some of the great old timers like Great big Bob Weatherton, Harvey Hoyer, Richard O'Brien, Pat Inglese, Les Ainsworth and Dennis Andrews. I know I am missing a few of the founders of our industry and I am sorry about that.

Also cool to hang out with Dave Adams (Putz), Mike Newcome (REED), Gabriel Ojeda (Fritz-Pak) Bob Hamilton (Con Forms) and Tom O'Mally (Schwing)

The high light of the meeting for me was to see Don Taylor, now this guy has been a great blessing to me and my life, what a great pleasure to introduce him to my wife.

ACPA has come a long ways over the last few years, Christi has done a really nice job and it is also nice to see more young blood in the group.

Todd 05-02-2014
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More Pictures

bisley57 05-02-2014
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Hip and cool?    cough.....cough

Todd 05-02-2014
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Yes hip and cool. I am now in the pool comittee meeting

Todd 05-03-2014
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Day two at the queen mary.

Todd 05-03-2014
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More Pictures

Todd 05-03-2014
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more pics

bisley57 05-03-2014
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now your talkin,the Queen Mary.....that would be awesome