An easy job can turn into a complicated job.
sergio 01-23-2010
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this was a residential job, where there wasn't any space for a big pump. i had to find a way to set up the pump and leave space for a one way vehicle passage.

sergio 01-23-2010
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sergio 01-23-2010
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i had to set up the outriggers on the land scape, and short outriggers on the other side for traffic.  

sergio 01-23-2010
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i had to prime the pump in the mixer. in the end i had to water wash the pump in the mixer.

sergio 01-23-2010
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180 flyer 01-23-2010
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Water wash is my normal MO. I've primed into a mixer, but it's a nail biter.

Boom Inspector 01-23-2010
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pretty cool, but I got to point a few thing out here just for fun.

1st, on your outrigger it says "think safety" , then I see your not only short rigged(understandable) but you also failed to use the donnage or cribbage under the out rigger feet (there visable still in the racks ) and you have your pumping side in presumably soft landscape  ???????? LOL

2nd, damn what a long tremmie hose you are using,Im assuming that is standard procedure ?? But wanna check that nice little safety sticker on your 4th section that says maximum weight #225(Im going off memory but thats close). But heck you did not bring your scale with you so lets assume it was under weight today . LOL

Im just yankin your chain , I love operators with a sense of humor and this job looked like you needed some humor to finish it.

Thanks for sharing your pictures with us and Im glad to see you guys at Hernandez getting some work .


My2cents 01-23-2010
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Not trying to start sht, but the pictures don't show the reach needed except in the one you could see it looked like the tip was straight down. Maybe a smaller machine would have solved all the issues, with the exception of prime or wash. Jobs like this we  usually wash in a kids swimming pool under the hopper and they would cart them off later. Never had a problem with that route.

pumpjockey 01-23-2010
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I figured I'd put 2 of those pictures together for you.

I did it using Microsoft ICE, you can download it here:

If you take a panorama from one spot, by merely moving the camera to catch an overlapping shot, vertical and/or horizontal, or combination of both, it will put them together.  It works very well.

biged 01-23-2010
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Boom Inspector you shoud see what is going on in Tenn BBCP is pumping cassions with and 80 of 5 inch rubber hose hanging off the Third section by some kind of hook that hangs some where at the end of section three, I think it I had to do that I would remove section Three, plus the HDY cylinder for section 4 then there woundn't be a weight problem , what are your thoughts.

Boom Inspector 01-23-2010
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Hey Biged,

Ive heard that also, and if Im correct I beleive they contacted the manufacture to figure a way to enable them to do jobs like that. I personally am not to kean on that idea. But if it is done properly off the third section and they did get confirmation from a manufature engineer Like I think they did it would most likely be ok. (atleast thats what I heard)

But in my opinion I dont care for it , they really are not designed for that kind of heavy work. But for guys like me it is good revunue cause something will have to give and someone will have to fix it :)

My2cents 01-23-2010
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If I remember right Too Tall awhile back posted a few picks in the Northwest whers they took the fourth section off and made an adapter for the hose.

Todd 01-23-2010
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Todd 01-23-2010
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Boom Inspector 01-23-2010
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thanks for the picture , it kinda looks like a 39meter to me but im not sure. It just seems like alot of trouble to do that ? But it also looks like they put alot of thought into that job ?

Boom Inspector 01-23-2010
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It also looks to be a safe alternative too and judging from what i can see they are using proper safety cable to each hose connection and with the tip removed the weight issue would be no problem .

My2cents 01-23-2010
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Good job Todd,

 That was exactly what I was speaking of!

FunnyBoom 01-23-2010
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Definitely not a 39, it is at least a 45 or bigger. My guess is a 47

sergio 01-23-2010
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the land scape for sure is wet and soft thats why i used all my outrigger pads as some four by fours to support all the weight of the boom. i also used a 5" by 4' hose, a reducer and a 4" by 8' pipe, not a lot of weight for the tip section. i was using all safety measures on the side where i was working even more using 4 by 4 pices of wood under the outrigger.  

Boom Inspector 01-23-2010
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yea sergio, I was just bustin ur ballz is all. Its not clear about the donnage on the drivers side at first glance, but now I see what you are talking about.Sounded like you got the job done and all went well even though it was a pain for you .

bigpumpb 01-24-2010
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hey boom inspector i had alot to do with that 47m that is a great way to pump caisons and those colums you see average pour where  between 300 and 400 yds depending on the size of the crain to help out we still have a ton to go.,.

Boom Inspector 01-24-2010
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hey bigpumpb , so it was a 47 not a 39 . At first glance I was'nt to sure. Do you know the history of how that idea came to be  with that boom set up ?

Seed 01-24-2010
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Don't tell us that was a $700 ticket for a pump that size on a residential job or was it? Same game, different town, different company.

Rookie 01-24-2010
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Curious on the priming, could you not just prime in the hopper?Or was the issue, not being able to kink hose.

BIG PAPA PUMP 01-24-2010
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It's schwing 47m, and it works great!  That contraption is such a life saver for casions and columns ect.

TooTall 01-24-2010
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 Hard to believe those were driveby pix taken from the freeway!

TooTall 01-24-2010
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 I like using a short hose above a tremme so I can use my aircuff. It's also not as rigid and a bit easier to move around for the nozzle man. 

sergio 01-25-2010
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hey Rookie, to prime in the hopper it is easy but the thing is that in this town, pumping at 6"slump is considered wet concrete, so most contractors pump concrete as 5" max, if I prime in the hopper, I am going to make more than 1/2 a yard of wet concrete and there wouldn't be any place to dump it. on the other hand you can start priming at 3" or 4" slump in the mixer. You're going to increase the slump of 10 yards to around 5" slump.