Another Job in
Tiago40m 05-03-2008
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So i just finished this 13 story building in famous manhattan. New york city.

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Now in the same area of manhattan i'm gonna be pumping a 16 story building. things get a lil bit tight. Shortrigging is the only solution. but on this particular job, outriggers that are going to be short rig have to stay in all the way.

Its not going to be an easy job since after a point, the boom is allways going to be staright up in the air with nothing to hold it from falling on the short rig side...

Luckly not high power lines or anything like that.

Wish me luck lol

Bob 05-03-2008
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I wish you skill, good judgement, professionalism and a well read & understood operators manual.

Let luck catch up.

Many 05-03-2008
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Nice looking machine.Haven't been back to your area in awhile (Bronx terminal).

I can only support what Bob said.Keep in mind that on these tight jobs placing booms/straight legs become a viable option.

My best

ftworth58 05-03-2008
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Just curious but is the contractor going to sign off on all libility for a unsafe setup in case something goes wrong or will you accept all liabilty.I can understand having to shortrigg a little on the street side as long as the weight of the boom rest on the fully deployed outrigger side,but to short rigg all the way around, even if your boom is straight up to God,dont count on luck,even though I wish you the best,but cover your butt and make the contactor sign off on it

2park 05-03-2008
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if someone would sign off would that make it all right to take someones life .....that just means that if you think you wont be responsible then it is allright to endanger the life of people on or around the job ....would not hold up in a court ...not only that it would make you all the more guilty cause you knew the danger and did it caose you thought you wouldnt be responsible....sorry not attacking you ftworth but that idea that that relieves any one of negligence like that owner or opperator

bisley57 05-03-2008
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 I am with you 2park, this signing off stuff is for the birds in my mind,do the job the safest way possible,thats it ,plain and simple,signing off won't bring back someone from the dead...............................

Many 05-03-2008
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Hi,me again.

I can't help but wonder about those recent crane accidents.Here's one to think about,wonder who pays for this?.Take a close look at picture,right here in town.

bigstick 05-04-2008
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Whats going on Tiago.  Its Frank formally from JMR.  Hows it going in the big city.  Hope your doing well.  Good luck with your new pump.  I just got a brand new 40 meter putz like yours.  Really like the machine, my first putz after over 15 years of schwings.  Tell Bob and Tino hello if you run into them.  Stay safe.  Frank

bigstick 05-04-2008
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I forgot to ask, what part of Manhattan is your building?  What streets intersect?

Bob 05-04-2008
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rewind and read your post... then delete it

Bob 05-04-2008
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for those of you that didn't get it check this out.

Three of our regular posters, one of them had a moment of weakness.

this user is offline now  ftworth58 05-03-2008 17:16:51 reply | profile | send pm
Joined : 03-31-2007

Just curious but is the contractor going to sign off on all libility for a unsafe setup in case something goes wrong or will you accept all liabilty.I can understand having to shortrigg a little on the street side as long as the weight of the boom rest on the fully deployed outrigger side,but to short rigg all the way around, even if your boom is straight up to God,dont count on luck,even though I wish you the best,but cover your butt and make the contactor sign off on it

this user is offline now  2park 05-03-2008 17:57:32 reply | profile | send pm
Joined : 03-19-2008
if someone would sign off would that make it all right to take someones life .....that just means that if you think you wont be responsible then it is allright to endanger the life of people on or around the job ....would not hold up in a court ...not only that it would make you all the more guilty cause you knew the danger and did it caose you thought you wouldnt be responsible....sorry not attacking you ftworth but that idea that that relieves any one of negligence like that owner or opperator
this user is offline now  bisley57 05-03-2008 18:17:40 reply | profile | send pm
Joined : 12-08-2006
 I am with you 2park, this signing off stuff is for the birds in my mind,do the job the safest way possible,thats it ,plain and simple,signing off won't bring back someone from the dead...............................

Bob 05-04-2008
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Just a word of thanks to 2park & bisley 57 for (getting it) and to say to ftworth58 that... I know that he knows better and was trying to say "watch out" with out telling Tiago40m that he was WRONGHEADED. ;~)

Tiago40m 05-04-2008
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Well heres the story.

I work for the sub-contractor( the concrete company, we have our own pumps) ....

I dont want you guys to think that im a nonresponsable operator. that just wants to go to the job and get it done and come home.. I dont work like that and i dont get payed to work like that. This job can be done with no problems, all it needs is time. my boss is allways on top safety for me and for the pump.. The job before was done allmost the same way. nothing happen because i was responsable and knew what i was doing and didnt try to go over the limits. Best of all is that we just got a high pressure pump and if i feel real uncomfortable working with those conditions ill just swtich over to the high pressure pump.... 

Tiago40m 05-04-2008
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The job is on IRVING PL and 18th ST. One block over from 3rd ave...

ftworth58 05-04-2008
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When I come up on a unsafe setup,and I discuss it with the super,if he stills pushes me to do it, I ask if he will sign off on all libilaity,if he agrees,then I Know exactly what kind of super I am dealing with when I call back to the office to explain the situation,and what lenghts the super will go,I know it does not relieve me or my company, or the danger,it is just easier at this point to tell him we have to find a safer way to do it or it wont be done, regardless if he signs,it is used to see how far the super will go. Some super will listen to your concerns and let you do your job,others will insist it be done thier wa,.

Derputzmeister 05-05-2008
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The simple solution would have been to close the street for a few hours, then you can use more of the roadway, than risk a serious, costly accident.  What would a couple of flaggers cost?  Compared to a boom tipping over?