Any advise on purchase of first tow behind pump
Low Country 10-17-2006
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I am going to buy a tow behind for my first pump.

I have searched all over the net and I like the reed a-30 rockmaster,(good or bad).

Any advise I can get would be great.


Bob 10-17-2006
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Reed makes an excellent machine. Look at the literature and make sure that @ 60 or 70% of the capacity of the machine you can do what ever it is that you plan to do; or need to do to keep your customers satisfied.

What is more important is that you have enough money to provide for your family, feed the kids, pay the bills, support your business for three months because brother, for the first 90 days you ARE the bank. If you run out of money between the time you start your pump service and you have a reasonable income from your receivables you have just wasted a lot of time and money and probably your good name.

Lots-0-luck & take the time to be safe.


Derputzmeister 10-18-2006
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What I like the most about Reed is you get service after the sell, not put on hold for an eternity....I can always get my area rep on his cell phone.  He (Martin) has step by step talked me thru problems on the cell phone many times.  I'd give Reed a call. 

Kendawg 10-19-2006
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I have owned and ran several different types of ball-valve and  swing tube pumps. I have really liked all the Olin's I've ran, although some of the wear parts on the Olin swing tube pumps are a little on the pricey side. The Olin ball valve pumps are very smooth, and maintenance is a snap. They are very reliable as well.