Any Big Fish Taking Over The Little Fish?
Paint Master 04-17-2008
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Do any of you know of any pump companies buying any other pump companies out?

ftworth58 04-17-2008
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With the market as tough as it is now, I bet they are just waiting for the small companys to sell out anytime, but havent heard any in North Texas area.

Oregon Pumper 04-17-2008
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i only know of one here. small boom pump company(2-36m putz) bought out small line pump company(2- truck mounted TK70 putz).

Bob 04-17-2008
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In Galveston, Texas this week, local company ‘Predatory Pumping’ overcame its smaller rival, ‘Gill Crete’ after a short, but bloody battle for survival. Gill Crete’s CEO, Tad Pole, was said to be, belly-up after the fracas. None of the Gill Crete partners were interested in meeting the new boss as they felt him to be cold blooded and not to be trusted.

A friend, and long time associate of Mr. Pole, a Charles Tuna, indicated to this reporter that there was something fishy about the entire… merger.

New Predatory Pumping executive, Sandy Shark said that they will operate where ever they want along the Texas Gulf Coast.


New company logo may be seen below.   



Raymond 04-17-2008
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I saw a news blurb on that company in Texas you're talking about, Bob.  That Pole fella seemed a little crabby about the whole deal - he thought 'Predatory Concrete' was being a little could see the anchor in his eyes.

Bob 04-18-2008
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He couldn't wave off the deal you sea; the company was starting to flounder

Freethinker 04-19-2008
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Art you seem a little bitter.  Define Big Fish.  Most of the pump companies started out being little fish.  Most of them are owned by one or two people who took the risk and put everything they had on the line to make a go of it.  Once they become bigger and then had responsibilities to their employees to provide them and their familes with work, health care and retirement they are under more pressure - In comes the new little fish with one goal and that is to be a big fish.  So what should the big fish do, let them grow and take away their work and destroy what they have built or swallow the little fish?

What is remarkable in the industry is that there is only one company that is owned, run, and managed by operators.  Because the original owners recognized early that the key to success was sharing the wealth - they did and grew and grew and became the biggest fish.  The are still bringing on board more opearators who will one day be the owners. 

The bottom line is it is called work ethics.   All too often the new little fish makes a big splash and then they are the new highroller on the block, new cars, boats, fancy girlfriends, and then the market takes a hit and they have no money put back  - what do they do - blame the companies that were smart enough to save money.  They go down the tube blaming everyone else but themselves.  For all you guys that have been promised a percent of the profit to work yourself to death  a 100% of nothing is nothing.  If you have been promised an ownership  role then get it in writing by YOUR attorney. 

pumpbro 04-19-2008
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u are a bondage and bum guy right so you aint much of a free anythinker. u boys are to full of yourself to be much use to other folks. why dont you guys go to your own sight and pet each other on the back. you woud all be more happy.

Bob 04-19-2008
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Everyone knows where the 400# gorilla sits, right?


Todd 04-19-2008
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Look nobody needs to pick on anybody on this site and as far as Brundage Bone goes I wish more companies were like them. They do care about safety, they do have programs in place, they do have training, they do care about there employees.

Brundage Bone is # 1 for a reason and I Know allot of guys who are on this site that work for them. I think Brundage has done allot of good for this industry and continues to do so.

This is just my opinion ok so dont everyone get all pissed off at me for saying it but I have never seen a better group of business people in the concrete pumping industry than Brundage Bone. Some of the tope name in our industry manage branches for them and corporate is filled with business guys. They are about Making a profit and they do that bye doing a great job and building a great reputation.

Maybe some of you guys dont agree but please remember the rules of this site, if you dont have anything nice to say than dont say it.


Freethinker 04-19-2008
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Oh let them rant and rave Todd ! LOL Most of them are rejects from B&B that could not make the grade.  Many of us want to be part of B&B and cannot wait until they come to the Southeast.

Whats that old saying about "protesting to much"

Freethinker 04-20-2008
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arty, checked out your COMPLETE profile.  Gee now why don't you fill yours out! LOL   It may be mine is not filled because in the past all that got me was SPAM and hate mail from pump operator wannabes that like you.  Lightnen up an enjoy the day!

Todd 04-20-2008
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I think this web site would be better off if we all worked together and stopped tossing stones at each other, lets work together to be safer, making more money and bringing up everyone in our industry, anything less than this is just a waist of time. BB has allot of influence and we should all work together for the betterment of the industry.

Raymond 04-20-2008
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Raymond 04-20-2008
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It's important to be able to read between the lines.  I think all PaintMaster was looking for was some help finding company names to look into for some pump re-paint jobs.  I could be wrong.  It's always interesting to see what's really on people's minds though...

Todd 04-20-2008
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Art i am talking in over all terms, I dont want you to stop posting and i was not even talking about you or these last few post. I am talking about a concept I am trying to promote on this web site. I know allot of BB guys that are very good guys very caring and want whats best for this industry, yes they are competitive and are not playing any games but that is not my point, my point is that all of us on this site are equal and we should all be respectful even when someone is not respectful to us. I will not let anyone take my dignity or self control away from me. I dont want to be hurtful to anyone. I dont care which company you work for your welcome on this site and your insight and helpfulness is welcome. I think Freethinker loves to get your goat. If we all just push forward and only speak about what we enjoy, what is good, what will help, what will promote and than share ourselves with each other than we have a web site that has much value. Other wise it attracts haters and than the site can do no good.

Dont get me wrong Art, i would hate it if you ever left the site. I always enjoy your comments and we need guys like you around.