Any Ideas on why accumulator dumps ?
CretePumper 10-14-2007
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wondering if any have had this problem, having an issue with accumulator dropping out usually 4 strokes and stalling out the S -Tube. This happens while pump is engaged ( forward or reverse) and retracting the boom, primarily while the Main and Jib are used, Extending the boom while pump is engaged everything works fine, seems this has baffled a few service guys, Any ideas on isolating this problem is greatly appreciated. 

The pump is a '04 40X 4 section R\F 

peter pumper 10-14-2007
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Put a gage on the hyd line and check to make sure accumalator is good.

Tim 10-15-2007
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There is a list of things it could be. Give me a call if you would like to troubleshoot your Putz problem. Tim 303-762-0708 #124