Anyone from Guatemala ?
stonezer 07-07-2013
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Looking for construction companies in Guatemala . Word is Chinese are building a canal 178 miles long to dwarf the panama. I am feeling stale and unsupported currently, and wish to offer my services on this project. I know a little Spanish and can hold my own. If necessary I know people that would support me that are fluent in mandarin. It would give my life meaning once more. Tired of feeling bitter, and having too much time on my hands

RJB 07-07-2013
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The "plan" that is being floated places the canal in Nicaragua, not Guatemala.

Besides,I do not think it will happen.  The economics behind it make little sense.  This is more about Sandanista's thumbing their nose at the US then about actually building a canal.

Besides, even if it did happen it will be many years before the first shovel of dirt comes out of the ground.

stonezer 07-07-2013
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You are correct Nicaragua ..I heard they got the green light

stonezer 07-07-2013
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Coperco most likely would have the info on that. Guess I have some

180 flyer 07-07-2013
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@Stonezer. The only "Green Light" is a contract between Daniel Ortega and a Chinese business man named Wang Jing. No engineering has been done, no money raised. And no green light from China's gummint. Don't buy you're plane ticket just yet.

stonezer 07-07-2013
reply profile send pm notify must be checking my Facebook, seriously..I got a shit ton of energy here. I am dying man..I don't want to get into it..I better just stop there. There's really no future where I am . I keep seeing things going backwards. I would rather be in another country any country..than this hole. The union is shit ! I got my bug out pack made..I could be rolling in seconds

stonezer 07-07-2013
reply profile send pm notify at it is food for thought