Are there any profoundly deaf/Hearing impaired pumpers?
Boomtish 02-06-2010
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I was just wondering if anyone has ever came across a Pumper(Operator or Linesman) that was profoundly deaf or hearing impaired? It would be interesting to know if there's anyone out there.

I'm profoundly deaf and I operate a line pump, after being on the pump industry I've learnt that it can be a bit hard for a deaf/hearing impaired person to operate a pump. I have no issues with this sort of thing, except for when pumping at low volume and getting blockage at the 4-5inch reducer but apart from that it's all good.

All I wanted to know if there was anyone or anyone knows of someone that is deaf/hearing impaired out there! It would be amazing to know of someone or if there's no one, I must be the first and the only??... Who knows.

I'll introduce myself alot better in a new topic!

Boom Inspector 02-06-2010
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I met a union guy last year that was completly deaf that was learning the ropes on pumping. Beleive it or not it was a 58 meter pump he was learning on  and his first ever go at pumping.

I did learn a few months ago he could not manage it or for some other reason decided it was not his kind of job.But he was the only guy Ive ever come across that was totally deaf, he communicated just fine and he read lips so if you talked to him directly he understood you .

Many 02-06-2010
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Actually I have had hearing problems sinse nam.I have tinnitus,buzzing in ears.I now have hearing aids which only nelp with hearing.When on line pours or boom plus I used to rest one foot on the pipe.This would alllow me to hear and feel the pump,several people didn't understand.So,no your not alone.

Seed 02-07-2010
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Interesting question. I remember when first starting out during my training the owner said, Soon you will be running this truck by sound. It is true. It would be a very peaceful experience until the mix start to tighten up and you don't hear the groaning of the equipment or a sudden blockage occurs.

johnjohnjohn 02-07-2010
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i work with a guy who is hearing impaired. he even has the tell tale voice of someone who is hard of hearing. top operator and mechanic. and a damn good man.

happy jack 02-11-2010
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I think that it's amazing that you can do this, I know some deaf framers but not operators. I have worked with a few that I thought may be hard of hearing but as it turns out they just didn't listen.