mrmike36z 09-06-2007
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On the video of the jun jin 50m. Whats the deal with the coiled cord around the discharge hose? Does it run the vibrator? Thanks Mike

mrmike36z 09-06-2007
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Oh yeah, do you video everyone of your pours :) You sure have alot of video.

Slavedattler 09-06-2007
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Hell Speed we got beat out of a contract by an indipendent operator that places as he runs his  machine, he gets work every day, then there is one guy ready to do the same when he burns out go figure, dam good contract to boot.

oh well kinda the same thing with boom light kits we as operators think its safe operating proceedures but  contractors are useing pump companies that have them so they do not have to have them onsite because buddy has them on boom. I say they all should have them anyways.

Slavedattler 09-06-2007
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Just saw the vid, seems like a industry standard were the video was shot, kinda cool as placers are always tripping over the cord or getting smoked by carbon hehe. My placers would kiss me if I had the rigged to the boom, and think if you were pump place finish the vibe would have to stay with the boom, no forgetting if he missed a spot. Pump at the vibrator speed, hmm not A bad idea. Pff shock I wonder how quick the bracker would kick, if it would as it is off the slab or deck.