bisley57 01-30-2008
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  I saw 2 very good looking pumps in the photo hopper owned by Cross.The 32 had 6 axles and the 61 had 7 axles.Why?I would guess the 32 weighs about 55,000 and the 61 would weigh about twice that much.OK,I might be stupid but I need an explanation.............

Bob 01-30-2008
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The 32m was designed for the \"frost Laws\"

Some states greatly reduce the allowable weight per axle at times of the year when the road bed is susceptible to \"Heave\" due to melting frost.

Your 32 must look like a centipede ;~)

concrete animal 01-30-2008
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Yes that was interesting.

typesdubs 01-30-2008
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Is this \"time\" of year specific or does it change year to year? Do the other pumps just sit during this period?

Pwrsurf 01-30-2008
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Bob is right these units are made for frost states. certain states Mn where they Schwings are built use the 5 ton road in the spring these units are designed for the housing market where the roads are restricted the most. the mixers also have 6 axles and some times carry as little as 2 yards to make this pours.  If it was a Schwing it uses to air pusher axles and the rear axle is hydraulic. they are a nightmare to work on. they are usually built on Sterlings because of the chassis weight. Schwing has gone as far as using smaller pump kits and also the use of a single circuit instead of a twin circuit thus losing more pounds.  The road restrictions are seasonal, the states tell you when there in affect and when there off.  a wet cool spring will make them last longer and a warm dry spring will bring them off sooner.

PuMpMyScHwInG 01-30-2008
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Hi Bisley,

in Michigan when the spring thaw arrives the ground softens greatly and Michigan law requires on class B roads (county rds) that you reduce you gross axle weight to 35% of the legal load limit and the extra 3 axles on the 32m allow us to do that, and your right, when the county by county frost laws arrive and the state grand trunk line restrictions take effect (major hwys...I-94, I-69 etc) any truck requiring an overweight permit must sit, as the fines are very enormous....10\'s of thousands of $$$$ possibly and impounding of the truck, so we try to plan and locate the trucks on certain jobsites to be used as needed, rather than sitting in the yard creating no revenue,