Barrons trailer pump
local18 12-09-2008
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I started out on that trailer pump almost nine years ago, I have taken a lot of ass whippings with that thing, and it also taught me a lot about pumping concrete. The pump is mounted on what use to be an ambulance, the exhaust stack mounted behind the cab was added later because we kept ripping it off underneath. State-wide sold it to someone in Pennsylvania, how it ever made it to Oregon I don't know. We really take care of our pumps, so I'm not surprised that it is still running strong. Looks like your taking care of it. Good luck


local18 12-09-2008
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local18 12-09-2008
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TOM@CF 12-10-2008
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Looks like a Jim Kirkwood setup (Columbus, OH) to me.  NICE

barron 12-11-2008
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Another beautiful day of pumping with this thing, I love it like a child or dog. I pumped about 30 jobs with it before it blew the hydro pump for the swing tube, after pulling it apart I realized I bought this pump broken, after finding a new pump for it, it runs like a raped ape, hard hitting no lazy shifts.