Best of Show. Best paint job of World of Concrete 2009
Todd 02-08-2009
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Todd 02-08-2009
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Todd 02-08-2009
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Todd 02-08-2009
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Todd 02-08-2009
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Todd 02-08-2009
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Todd 02-08-2009
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Todd 02-08-2009
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tebequip 02-08-2009
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Thanks for getting the pictures out so fast Todd.

Bob 02-08-2009
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I don't get it

TooTall 02-08-2009
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Looks like one of my old Iron Maiden tee shirts? But that's alot heavier metal! Maybe it'll strike some fear into the competition? 

Munir 02-09-2009
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Attractive Pictures

Paint Master 02-09-2009
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Wow! Todd was that all air brushed or was some of it decals?

I wasn't able to make the show this year (not to happy about it either). Hope I didn't miss much


Todd 02-09-2009
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yep it is all air brush except for the logo that is a sticker.

Many 02-09-2009
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Yup,that's one far out pump.Now the big question is for how long? Now if 3 was running it a long time.

Todd 02-09-2009
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We have found out that when you put a big sticker on your pump it just stays clean.

johnjohnjohn 02-09-2009
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Youll take my life but Ill take yours too
Youll fire you musket but Ill run you through
So when your waiting for the next attack
You'd better stand theres no turning back
nice, even if it is a concord ;~)

Seed 02-12-2009
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That is cool looking but the kids might have Nightmares!