pudg2 08-17-2008
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Which is it fellows? I would have to go with the schwing,but i also like my putz what do yall think?

Bob 08-17-2008
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If it wern't for all the extraneous computer stuff, I would say Schwing.

But since today is what today is:

KCP gets my vote.

bull-frog 08-17-2008
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Todd is going to be mad, but I have to do it. 


Raymond 08-17-2008
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Whichever pump I happen to be running at the time is the best pump out there...

putz63 08-17-2008
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I Would have to say Schwing. With Putzmeister a very very close Second. I am in love with the 47m that I have been running as of late.

ice 08-17-2008
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When it comes to rough mix, gotta go with Schwing..

bull-frog 08-17-2008
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Rough mix, that looks like everyday Georgia mud!

ice 08-17-2008
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do they still use river sand in Georgia? Up here in Virginia they use blue granate all manufactured sand, get a little rough sometimes.

bull-frog 08-17-2008
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No, they use that artificial sand most of the time now.  It sucks.  Every once in a while, down around Columbus, Ga, and Alabama, they use river rock, straight cement, natural sand, pumps like peanut butter.  I see alot of these guys pumping with 4 inch tip hoses, and sometimes 3 inch, never happen here.  Mixes are to rough.

TooTall 08-17-2008
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If its a choice between the two, Im taking a schwing, my choice overall,everyday. Concord! Ran one 5 yrs. passed up TWO brandnew ones simply because my '03 36m was so sweet, overall. Schwing makes a bada$$ "pump" and Concord makes better product. If that makes any sense. Anyone out there kick'n the hell out of a Concord Every day?

65m Petee 08-18-2008
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concord 65m, 11" barrels and con forms tw 325 pipe......priceless.  i always swore i was always going to be a schwing man but from the moment i ran this concord i've been in love ever since.  i still belive schwings can pump a nasty mix better than anything else.

ftworth58 08-18-2008
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Love my 58m Schwing, but I like the Concords they are fun to run.

toper 08-18-2008
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well i trained on a schwing and fell in love, concord is ok and havent ran a putz yet, but been out oiling on them, still schwing is king

38zman 08-19-2008
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Putz for me I find them the most user friendly

Bob 08-19-2008
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The agg' is crushed granite and the [sand ?] is the fines from the crush.

It looks like the sand is from a cone crusher; it is angular as hell. Not even any good VSI manufactured [cubic] material.

And as an extra bonus it is abrasive as can be.

I think the only full time worse market for material is Memphis, TN.

Your pics look like good creamy crushed material,

That would be a good day here.

bri 08-22-2008
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I have to say Concord I have ran them all but conrord has my vote.

Bob 08-22-2008
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reply pending (check back in 3 weeks)

What is going on? Are you doing a test? Do we get a hint, or do we all just have to wait and see?

bri 08-22-2008
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Ice that mix looks great man! I dont see a hopper full of rocks like here in GA.

TooTall 08-24-2008
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 Ever wonder What "ELBA" would'a been today?Had ELBA & Walter Sheele been around today  They'd be at the top of the list! and all those "schwelba" gate-valves would never have existed.

If there were a new one today my vote would be an  ELBA !

pudg 08-27-2008
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Elba and the rs 2000 valve what a pump in its time,and they were dependable,that was my first german rig and I have been in love ever since,

Bob 08-27-2008
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The Elba pumps with the Schwing gates were great pumps. Pumpco Atl ran some of those machines for a long time. They threw out the Elba stack valves as well.

That conglomeration turned into a very good machine. Lots of profit came out of those Elbacos.

Fact check before you throw any rocks in that house.


the RS2000 was very expensive to maintain.