Best way to protect your company
Bob 05-04-2008
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1.      Make certain that the machine and equipment is in safe repair.

2.    Make certain that you abide by all local and federal laws

3.    make certain that the assigned operator is qualified to operate the assigned pump

4.    Make certain that before you pull on the job site that you …………



Any one want to chip in here?

Many 05-04-2008
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"GOAL" comes to mind

Get out and look,applies to more than just backing

Vasa 05-04-2008
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Tell your customer that you know the "Mad Viking Vasa" ! Me and My partner Les Baer and Mossberg solve the most problem !! *LoL* ;-)


Bob 05-04-2008
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We try and save the "Vasa" method for those very tricky cases. It never fails, ;~)

Bob 05-04-2008
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5. Examine set-up area for loose back fill and ground hazzards

6. Make sure that square feet of dunnage is capable and sufficient to carry down load of outrigger/

7. Set up area is situated so that no part of boom is capable of coming with in 17' of high voltage line.


bisley57 05-04-2008
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 Before you pull IN to a jobsite always have a plan to how you will pull OUT of a jobsite.

ftworth58 05-04-2008
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Perferably walk the setup area with the super before pulling in,ask and look for backfill area,powerlines,look at the area to be pour,discuss the type of mix being used,yards to be expected to be poured per hour,have all you paperwork signed before pulling on site.