better than that?
Gluum 01-31-2011
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better than that?

Gluum 01-31-2011
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Gluum 01-31-2011
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Gluum 01-31-2011
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Gluum 01-31-2011
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mhat is better?  

Leyo slick

Flow pak

Slik pak

Fritz pak


Trey 01-31-2011
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Schwing, putz, and Conforms make the best ing my option. But it all looked like the same powder. I've never used liquid prime

Gluum 01-31-2011
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Schwing?   I've never seen

Trey 01-31-2011
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Yeah, we had it a while back, I don't know if the are still making it. It look like the same stuff as the putzmeister prime. I like the fine powder, not the bigger beads.

stink21 01-31-2011
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we use mudslide..its a liquid in a bottle an we only use a half a bottle at a time an then u can save the bottles an fill a couple of em up with water an shake em up good an use that to prime so u can get 3 primes with 1 bottle an u kno what that does

seedless 02-01-2011
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I found all these hard to use in our cases, as we had to catch the first bit of prime in a pail, I never used in a boom prime situation. Only line situation. They discolor the first bit of concrete or leave week spots, so we have to catch the first bit and dump it. The liquid prime sounds cool though. Our placers would rather water prime, which most all machines do in our area, and prime slow then dump water in an area then back to hopper and mix the rest without over slumping that first meter of mud. Then if line we might add bagged powder as slurry to line, just because it does not have a chance to contaminate the mud. Might sound old school but they are super fussy in our high end district. Thoughts welcome. For additives if it's a must we use slick pack. I was given 4 a year ago, and their still there you can have mine.

seedless 02-01-2011
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Again, we are spoiled, we can dictate our mixes also, or have access to info on what we are getting, like air additives how much flat sand and so on. So I don't have to guess what can pump and what can't. 95% of the concrete sold in our area is pumped. So ready mix is well versed in pump friendly mixes. Yes some suck, no names mentioned.

mudcup 02-01-2011
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Never had an issue with Slick-Pak II works like a dream every time

ruscoe 02-01-2011
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cement, we are real old school.