Blowing out your pipe. Tell me this is safe?
Todd 05-05-2011
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Many 05-05-2011
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Fire in the hole,been done like that for years.I wouldn't want to stand down range with a catchers mit.Do care needs a reality

Dipstick 05-05-2011
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That looks like a serious canonball. You would have to be quite sure there is no one coming round the corner.

dlee7729 05-06-2011
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Looks like a mythbuster show to me minus the glass barrier that they used for saftey.

murf 05-06-2011
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think its spelt "irresponsible"... lol

G Rock 05-07-2011
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Ha Ha!  That reminds me of the dump I had this morning, complete with the air explosion at the end.

Vasa 05-07-2011
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We have had this Discussion earlier on the site.... BOHICA Company who pump where it never freeze think that this is unsafe . Just in this case IT IS if they dont have informed and cloesed the yard . When We do it We have a container on our wheel-loader that We put the end of the pipe or hose and strap it . It is a closed container and We have a hole for the pipe or hose... Once We did it with a Schwing 23-4 that had frozen pipes . We put the pump in the workshop and fold out the D boom with endhos and put it under the garage door to the container and started the air Compressor , and We went home for the night and in the morning the pipeline was clean and the air was blowing . All mud and some hard sponges and rubberpig was in the container .

PrariePumper 05-07-2011
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This really doesnt suprise me that its from Viper Concrete Pumping.  The lowest of the low when it comes to pumping concrete in western Canada.  Im only going to guess that the customer that this happened to was only charged probably $80/hr.

TooTall 05-08-2011
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Somebody needs to show these folks how to do the same thing with water pressure & without the violent Blast... 

...No it's not safe.

Trey 05-10-2011
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They are doing this all wrong! They should of done it in the middle of a field, put the pipe at a 45, with a target at the other end of the field, drink some beers and let her' rip!