Blue Tee decided to discontinue Pumpstar December 31 2009.
Todd 01-22-2010
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Blue Tee decided to discontinue Pumpstar December 31 2009.
Bill Naddaf was the engineer for Pumpstar and he has opened company called PS parts to provide Parts and service on all the Pumpstar Pumps. You can call the Pumpstar Phone numbers and it will go to PS parts. If you have any questions please feel free to call me Dale E. Ames at 678-855-1730. I was regional manager  for Pumpstar and I now work for Steco Trailers another Blue Tee Company. I love the pumping industry and hate that it is in the shape it is in. I pray that the Concrete Pumping Companies will raise there prices so they get paid for what they do and make money.

Dale E. Ames

Todd 01-23-2010
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so what is pumpstars phone number is it the same?


My2cents 01-23-2010
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Yes Todd, he did say the same numbers will reach parts!