Bob asked me to post this. Safety Issue
Todd 06-02-2008
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Todd 06-02-2008
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kneerick 06-02-2008
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if your gonna short stick you better know what your doing .is this guy a rookie

WHO?? 06-02-2008
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I "MIGHT" be mistaken but i have seen that photo before I believe that happened at a manufacturer's demo,...agian i may be wrong but.....

Bob 06-02-2008
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Left front outrigger not fully deployed.


I don’t think that there was a rookie in the whole crowd. I don’t know who the mfg’ is, nor do I care. I found the pics very interesting.


Every once in a while I see in a post the comment; “I was only going to do (whatever) and didn’t need to have the outriggers all the way out.” [On the boom side] To me this assumes that the operator is an engineer capable of calculating the moment so as to stay within his safety zone. My guess is that whoever made the calculation that led to this fiasco was an engineer – probably still is an engineer, but is a wiser one today.


This is why it is so very important to keep the boom between two fully deployed outriggers. The smart money is always on the side of safety.


WHO?? 06-02-2008
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So I pulled onto this job the other day put the out riggers out (truck just off an idle) threw my pads down,and the DRV side frt sank about 1 inch.not really that big of an issue.BUT THEN the thought crossed my mind...... "IF I showed BOB and ART pictures of this set up i bet i would get yelled at" DAMNIT so i start all over get out the 3X3 DICA pads.....crap they are heavy. LOL any way i just thought that was funny. THANKS BOB,ART and the whole concrete pumping .com web site for making me go that extra inch for a safe job site!!!!

Todd 06-02-2008
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wow you have Dica pads? nice. they are great pads. OE3 is getting Dica dunnage pads. Very cool.

Bob 06-02-2008
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Those 3x3 pads are the answer to about 75% of set-up problems. Yea, they are heavy, but...

WHO?? 06-02-2008
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yeah i have been using them more and more i just thought that was funny being worried about gettin yelled at by you for something nobody but me on the job site knew what they were lookin at

Todd 06-02-2008
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OSS baby, ok so i learn something new every day.



Sorry Todd , Since I cant sign in I have to post this way LOL. for those of you that dont know what OSS is here is a link for some fyi :



And the question that always arises here about having all your tires slightly off the ground . I can clear up any confusion The manufacture actually suggests this for less boom bounce. call me if You want more info.




P.S.  Todd thanks for letting me Break in to your post lol



Bob 06-02-2008
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Man, that was your conscience

Good / funny story. ;~)

ruck 06-02-2008
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Stupied question,But what are DICA PADS.


Bob 06-02-2008
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On the right side of the site, just under ConForm, you will find DICA.

These guys make some really good, guaranteed for LIFE outrigger pads. My personal fave' is their 3' x 3' x 2" pad.

It will not float your pump in a swamp but it is solid as hell and gives you over DOUBLE the number of square inches of pad on the ground ( 1296 -v- 576 )

check them out !!!

ps I would feel the same if they were not a sponsor, very nice people ;~)

Bob 06-02-2008
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The pic above is a classic example of what happens when the OSS takes a DUMP

99% Of the time it is good as gold; just like the Sig-Alarm system that the manufacturers will not allow on their pumps. These units have been proven safe in the crane industry for years but the pump mfg's aren't hearing any of it. They tell me "What if it fails?" all I can say is what if it isn't there; how is that working out?" ;~(

thinsplash 06-03-2008
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so i guess no one learns from mistakes. if you look at the 70m pics the passenger outrigger is not extended.