Boom System Kinematic Simulation of Truck-Mounted Concrete Pump
Todd 02-26-2011
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Boom System Kinematic Simulation of Truck-Mounted Concrete Pump

Journal Advanced Materials Research (Volumes 201 - 203)
Volume Advanced Manufacturing Systems
Edited by Daoguo Yang, Tianlong Gu, Huaiying Zhou, Jianmin Zeng and Zhengyi Jiang
Pages 185-188
DOI 10.4028/
Citation Xin Xiang Zhou et al., 2011, Advanced Materials Research, 201-203, 185
Online since February, 2011
Authors Xin Xiang Zhou, Nan Nan Ren, Shu Jun Guo, Yan Ling Tang, Rong Liang Tian
Keywords Boom System, Kinematic Simulation, Truck-Mounted Concrete Pump
Abstract In this paper, we study the boom of truck-mounted concrete pump from a company. After analyzing, we determine that the four booms extending horizontally is the most dangerous working conditions. We use the software Solid Works to design three-dimensional entity. With the help of Cosmos Motion which is a part of Solid Works, realizing the kinematic simulation. This paper study and analyze the problems during the simulation process, and collect a series of curves of kinematic simulation, mainly including the place-time curve, velocity-time curve and force-time curve, and analyze these curves detailedly.

Todd 02-26-2011
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Raymond 02-26-2011
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It reads easier if you replace all of the 'L's with R's...

just sayin'