Booms out,Pump truck is moving
Wolfman 09-13-2008
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How come so many guys thinks it's ok to move the pump with-out folding the boom back into it's cradle.I've seen this on many occasions.They always say "I've never had a problem before" but it only takes one mistake to dump it over.Bob, help me out here,can u tell me the logic that they use with this answer??Since learning to run a boom i've seen alot of stuff like this done by guys who have been in this bussiness a long time maybe they've been in too long,for-got the basics.

kneerick 09-13-2008
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been there done that used to work for a company were i was required to do that,in fact when i was training i was tought how to do it safley,ther are several ways to do this the best is to fold 3,4under2 and lay it off the back.its not that we have forgotten the basics but when every minute counts (heat) you can move the pump and be pumping agin in 7mins not recomended above a 42

Bob 09-13-2008
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I never learned that trick, sorry I can't help.

Vasa 09-14-2008
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                                Hi !

Many years back I move the pump with the boom not folded....

Today I dont do it....(they have to wait , if the mud dont allow it take 2 pump to the pouring) Not because I am afraid to turn the pump over

(can you move a 300 ton mobilecrane with jib , yes they can lock the suspension)

but it is so much  that can break on the chassi of the pump , boom folded in cradle right axelload , unfolded to high axelload .

On My old Schwing 23-4 (hallpump) when I had the boom over the cab to drive in a hall it was a very high axelload on the frontaxel , hardly I could turn the steeringwheel and no tracktion on the rearwheel....


hammah 09-14-2008
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I was shown that just to move the boom over about 80' because there was a wall between the pour. We couldnt set up in the middle because we needed the reach and the wall was to high. The guy who was training me did it and told me never to do it unless i understand when to do it. He explained it to me when i was pumping the other side it made sense to me the ground was dry, some what level and the move was short. 

The main was down like it would be folded up  the 2nd section was almost all the way out with 3rd and 4th rolled up. He had it folded so that the 3rd section was like a foot off the ground, and out riggers up but still out. It was pretty quick but i didnt like how the front axels barely touched the ground. This was shown to me on a 36 meter, although i wouldnt do it myself or recomend others to do it, but it looked safer then having the boom in the air.


Bob 09-14-2008
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It was probably safer than a lot of stuff; lion tamer, jumping off of a bridge, sword fighting with Zoro, lots of stuff.

Bet it wasn't as safe as doing it the right way.

Sounds like a terrific opportunity to have an insurance claim denied. ;~)

Mudslinger 09-14-2008
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Vasa: the reason they can move a large crane is because they can change the center of gravity while it is in motion .For example,on a crawler crane the operator can move the boom for balance while the crane is in motion.They use counter weights to not only to balance the load weight,but to lower the center of gravity. We cannot because usage of the pto prevents us from moving the truck and boom at the same time. Now "Quick Moves" as we called them are reasonably safe as long as conditions are optimial, Room to manuver with the outriggers up but out, on FLATground(preferably pavement),and there are no obstructions.I've often used this method in subdivisions,WITH spotters (usually trusted mixer drivers) in tight situations,with no problems other than tipping over an outhouse. Would I teach this to a new operator,Hell No, but I would to an experienced one. Overloading the rear axles?,I dont think the load is excessive,because you can't travel very fast or very far! The farthest I've traveled was a long block to do 14 PT slabs in a day(around 950 yards) . Ive turned corners too,again with trusted spotters ! I WOULDN"T do this with a 52m ( I,ve tried to once) but I was uncomfortable with the balance! As fast as a 52m Schwing unfolds and refolds the only thing I did was leave the outriggers out.

N2mud 09-14-2008
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There is NO reason at all to move a boom with out it being cradled if I were to catch any of my operators doing it they would be walking home from the job site.I would finish the job myself. About 5yrs ago I got a disturbing phone call from a foreman on a job stating "I better come out here" One of my operators decided to do this moving w/o having boom cradled.With outriggers fully extended, he did not and could not see the TWO cars that were parked in his path.Opened them up like a sardine can.He WALKED about 20 miles that day.

Vasa 09-14-2008
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Mudslinger , Iknow about the cranes . I was working in a cranecompany before i started to pump .

And some pumps has a PTO from the motor or gearbox . Not all (dont know the term) have a "Stiebelbox" so If You want to do a boommovement it is possible .

And does MACK have others axelloads if they are moving slowly ? It use to be the technicalaxelload that they say in the document and some statelaw is probably lower than the manufactuer spec.

Specialtrailers (Euoropeans) have 2 axelloads from the manufactuer , 1 when they going slowly and very heavyload 1 when they going "fast" with "normal" load... Operated one when I worked for the crancompany....

Wolfman 09-14-2008
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We all must remember that we're responsable (legaly and moraly) from the time u start ur truck in the yard till the time u shut down in the yard.When you dump the pump over on to some ones property they can sue you as well as your company and then the company can sue u to get the pump fixed.If i have to fold out my boom to go under some-thing we just add some hose on the end or i'll suggest a trailer pump,thats what there made for.I've never seen anything from any pump manufacture that says it's ok to move with the boom out,wonder why that is.Because they know what can happen and don't want to be held liable.Always remember the laws of average are against us,the more u do something wrong the better chance that something BAD will happen.If the owner of your pump says do it tell him the pump is here,be my guest.You'll be surprised at his response.

Wolfman 09-14-2008
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Oh yea,craines are designed to be moved this way,not boom pumps.

pudg2 09-14-2008
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I cannot lie ,I have done this in the past,it is done normally when you are set up on level stable ground,it really doesnt save that much time if done rite it can be done safely,me I CHOOSE NOT TO DO THIS ANYMORE,I had a guy I worked years back was doing this on a 42 meter and while he was moving backed into a power line,I do not think it should be an accepted practice but to each his own

Mudslinger 09-14-2008
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Come on Guy's: Main down over the back,2nd straight out (maybe 5 degrees down), 3&4 folded normally, outriggers up & out! Move slow! HOW ARE YOU GONNA TIP IT OVER!! And I believe our rear axles are rated at 44,000 lbs each!No not generally excepted practice,but where I come from it is expected! And done all the time!! Like all parts of this job,you do it with care!

Raymond 09-14-2008
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 Mudslinger --

You are 100% correct and on the money, brother!  I'll take it a step further - I've had a special set of outrigger 'skates' made.  I can leave the boom in the air and just simply take the pump out of PTO and release the brakes and can move the machine...The outriggers are still loaded and everything's 100% safe and solid - the skates just run along like a fat guy on a creeper over a shop floor with a bunch of cigarettes on gotta remember to set the pump up with the tires still touching the ground or you have no traction. 

Around here, all the contractors say:"Why don't the other operators have skates?"  "You are the best operator EVER!!" "I wish the other operators were as forward thinking as you are..those skates save us soooo much time."

The key to moving with the skates is to remember to kink the hose and raise the tip high enough to clear any obstacles in it's path.  I had it too low once and the 'S-hook' knocked an electrician off the wall.  The job super yelled at him when he woke up for not wearing a hardhat on site...and then I yelled at him for getting a chunk of hair on my 'S-hook' handle.  What a jerk!

I'll take some pictures of my outrigger skates and provide a parts list for those who want to build them.  If you have a skateboard shop in your town, you are set!!

Mudslinger 09-14-2008
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Raymond: Sarcasm doesn't become you! While I visited this site for the last 6 or7 years,I' ve learned alot here, and hopefully encouraged people to try new things! But I'm going to make one thing very clear! I DO NOT CONDONE ANYTHING THAT IS UNSAFE ! You all may not agree with some of my methods,but used WISELY they are safe! I have not succesfully been an operator for 35 years without being careful in what I do!I may have been fired in my career,but its never been for carelessness,or for safety concerns! With my experiences,I may do some things that make less experienced operators cringe, (waterwashing,hillside setups,setting up in tight places) but ALL are done with my company,my crews and my machines well being in mind!

Wolfman 09-14-2008
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Haven't you guys figured it out,Raymond is the guy who invented concrete pumps :):):).Just another guy who knows it all and has done it all.I don't just pump concrete I also Form and Finish,with your attitude on my job site you would be gone.The type of guy who tries to tell the contractor how to-do his job,not make

TooTall 09-14-2008
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What the HELL are you guys think'n?? Just because you CAN do something dont mean you should! There's lots of us that have moved a pump with the boom up or partially unfolded. But we choose not to! SO what if you save 5 or 6 minutes. The first time you blow a tire and kill somebody sends all those saved minutes down the freak'n TOILET! Anyone that thinks its OK to move a pump with the boom unfolded is a DUMBA$$ in my book! Unless its a 4-section 23m that can be swung over the cab to get in a building, It should'nt be done or accepted! These rigs today aint 740s or 845s! There are many other ways to save 5 MINUTES safely. You might not look like a HOT-SHOT but everyoe will go home at the end of the day!

I can ride a wheelie for a mile! Do I do it on a $30k Harley-Davidson?  F#%K NO.

I REALLY hope you guys are kidding around! If not shame on YOU!! If you wanna walk around with your $hit in the air - GO RUN A CRANE!


TooTall 09-14-2008
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IF its a hot mud issue RECIRCULATE! ADD A DELAY PACK, A DELVO TAB! there's tons of options. A concrete pump driving around with its boom unfolded Just to LOOK like the "Greatest operator EVER" is STUPID plain and simple! I have ZERO respect for guys that cut corners like this. Use your HEAD not your EGO!

Like I said, Blow a tire - Kill somebody! Is It really worth a couple minutes? Let "good sense" overcome the "No Fear" attitude. That $hit would'nt fly with ANY of the pump companies where I'm From! No matter how big or small! Are you really to LAZY to fold your FREAK'N BOOM UP???  PUMP-OFF again!

Leroy 09-15-2008
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HEY RAY, I see ya work for tha BONE. Obviously not at the Seattle branch or Boone Hienze would have your nuts for doin shit like that! The next time you get a chance to talk to Jack (the guy that signs yer check & owns yer pump) Ask him of his experience with move'n pumps unfolded? On second thought - DONT you might get Fired, Skate pads & all!

I'm with Wolfman & TooTall there aint no room for that shit out here these days. I dont know where you started but you work for the BIGBOYS, Act like one! Guys look up to you, Set a better example. Lose the "skate-pads" or give'em to the 17m & 23m guys. Or pumps that were engineered for that shit!!!!

Wolfman 09-15-2008
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My philosophy is Would I Do This If It Were My Equipment.Maybe wecould get some-one to give a little feed back on the legalities of this type of situation.Let people know just how they can be held resposible when something goes wrong.I don't know about u guys but i don't want to spend my days in Prison.I think we did learn something from this though.We seen the guys come out of the wood work that would do this and the ones that wont.I'll remember the ones that will and never ever work with or around them.

TooTall 09-15-2008
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RAYMOND, KEEP YOUR DIAGRAM & SKATE-BOARD PARTS LIST! Nobody's interested. Anyone who would set a pump up on "Skake-Board" parts is like I said...A DUMBA$$ or DIP-$HIT which ever you prefer??     Pump-Off  Raymond! 

Bob 09-15-2008
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Mission accomplished.

You have caught your limit

Well done


TooTall 09-15-2008
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I knew he had to be joke'n. Yeah you caught me hook line & sinker (sucker)!

I think you got Wolfman roll'n to (rabid dawg)

TooTall 09-15-2008
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Oh yeah, You snagged Elroy too, He called me last nite ask'n if I knew who Raymond was. He thought ya worked at BBCP, Seattle!

Good Idea to get the dip-shits that do that kinda thing to come outta the wood-work!      Pump-On Ray  TT

Leroy 09-15-2008
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Ha Freak'n HA! Rob got me started (TOOTALL) Le'me go scrape tha egg off my face & bandage the hole in my lip!

FUNG YU RAY.....its all good bro.

Quit use'n my real name TooTall its LEROY out here!!!

Raymond 09-15-2008
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; )

Raymond 09-15-2008
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Hey guys...

The only time I've ever seen a pump moved with the boom unfolded is when the boom inspector needs to make a repair and needs the boom inside the shop.  It's done slowly and with a number of knowledgable mechanics as spotters -


joey 09-15-2008
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typesdubs 09-15-2008
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When I wash out my pump I lift the boom out of the cradle a few feet so I don't splash anything on it.  The only time I will move with the boom up is in this position (folded up out of the cradle 3-5 feet) on fairly level ground. None of this over the cab, or half unfolded under the back, it's just not worth the few extra minutes.

Chris B. 09-15-2008
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pudg 09-19-2008
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best one yet Ray