booms,a passing thought
Many 09-27-2009
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Sitting here this mourning and started wondering this.How many of you actually take the time during the days activities to really look at the boom? We all each and every one of us do a "real dot insp" (yeah right).Do we take that extra minute to look the boom joints,pipe supports,pins and welds over? It can't take but 5 min for a good glance,do ya do it?

Pump N00b 09-27-2009
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I do it once a week when I wash and grease it.

cpoe 09-27-2009
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all day, good point!

pudg 09-28-2009
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always  I always look look look its just a habit looking for cracks or anything out of the ordinary

Boom Inspector 09-28-2009
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Many, you would be very surprised at just how little many pump operators/owners really "see" when they eye ball there booms. Yea the obvious cracks are always witnessed but it is the itsy bitsy ones that catch my eye and I have had my share of people say "how the heck you see that"? It does take a trained eye to see the potential boom breaking cracks I run into all the time in my business. But it is always wise to take a gander at your boom while in down time to be relatively certain you don't have a disaster waiting to happen with your next pour.

Many 09-29-2009
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Boom Inspector 

From the amount of participation,or lack of,your probably on target.I just thought it would be nice to get some objective input from the field,silly me.If they only really understood,but who am I?

TooTall 09-30-2009
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What else is there to do when you're waiting for the water tank to fill?

dlee7729 10-01-2009
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Some operators know what to look for . And some don't have a clue. My question is how many companies out there are passing on boom inspections with today's economy to save money. Cracks in the boom or pump are one issue but are they being delt with in a correct manor?

Boom Inspector 10-01-2009
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When money gets tight the first thing some companies do is slack on maintanance and boom inspections falls into that catagory so to answear your question "yes" some of my customers are holding off till a later date for now.