Bought a new Line Pump
b-alto 03-25-2014
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I've been  Schwing man however i got a great deal on this 2005 B 50. Havent used it yet. Now i need a truck tough evough to pull it with. Its got low hours 750 and is in excellent shape. hasn't been used in five years. I'm very impressed with the simplistic design and beefy components. Liquid cooled is plus! big motor. 

putzman1975 03-25-2014
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reed is a real good pump we had 6 of them in orlando.had the yellow remote sweet. never broke down.

b-alto 03-25-2014
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I think it might have the extra duty 98 HP if such a thing? i know it has a turbo. Also a wireless remote.

I pulled it home with my 1/2 ton pick up 150 miles :) I'm looking for a one ton.


b-alto 03-25-2014
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b-alto 03-25-2014
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Hopper you might have to click on to enlarge

b-alto 03-25-2014
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Its clean as heck eexcept after the opperator left four years ago one guy used it and left all the build up in the hopper. He must have had a rough day.. Its minimal but i need some Back set.

b-alto 03-25-2014
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Geez I need spell check, did that in a hurry :)

biged 03-25-2014
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You guys just keep buying these pumps the best day in your life will come when you sell out,I am a happy camper no more plugged hose's Brian has it thawed  out up your way.

b-alto 03-26-2014
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Thanks ED, no it started to but -3 f this morning but finally its going to warm up today. Crazy weather up here it bounces around 60 degrees from day to day. The sun is bright though.

crete 03-26-2014
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nice pump Brian did you keep your other schwing? Hi Ed hows it going. Got banned byGF for talking about anti seize WTF. Terry

b-alto 03-26-2014
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Yeah Terry still have it. Great little pump, i pumped 200 yards with it two weeks ago in one week. Could have used the Reed. Thats why i bought it to expand my market. I'll keep the 305 its been the best pump ever i bet in the last 5 years i pumped 10,000 yards with it. Hard to believe!

crete 03-27-2014
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How much new pipe or hose are you going to have to buy?

b-alto 03-27-2014
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It comes ith 100 ft of 3" pipe some 2" and 3"  Hose. I use 2.5" mostly. I could use some more 2.5" and a 2.5-3" reducer for both pumps. Really could use  a 1 ton Duramax but darn they aren't cheap. 25k for anything decent. What to do? buy crap or make payments.. on the other hand some of the 01-03 duramax engines have a good reputation. I think the internet is driving prices up.

concreteluvr 03-27-2014
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Reed. Great people and great products. You will do great with this pump for sure.

b-alto 03-27-2014
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Thanks, i like how its tall almost 6 feet and you can get to everything. Easy to work on.