brit on tour!
herman 03-05-2007
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i was sat here reading messages that you lot have answered,

and thought that some time this year im gonna need a holiday!  so if i do decide that i need a break from the uk has anyone got a job going for a week or two, only an idea at the moment, but you never know. 

DIGGER 03-05-2007
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If you want to venture downunder, we have an ex UK pumper who will show you how it's done hear. If you are interested I will pass on his email address.

herman 03-05-2007
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thank you digger that would be great, like i say im only thinking of it at the moment, what with my new  job, but if it happened that would be amazing!!!

Boom Out 03-05-2007
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If you have any interest in conveyors, let me know. We're a pretty friendly bunch, I'm sure we could accommodate you.