NCPumper | 11-03-2009 | comment profile send pm notify |
Had my first slaughtering experience with Brnudage yesterday. I had a job sceaduled just south of Knoxville, Tenn. You know, I try to sell myself high, just because what I put into my business, but on this job I was at 105 per hr. $2.00 yard, no travel and no primer, for a 32 meter, and Brundage came in there and beat me out of it. There sales pitch around here is, "we dont care what hes charging you we'll beat it". You know, I have had good competition around here till now. I am a small guy, and I just hope to survive now. It really hurts when I miss a job like that. I just hope to be on here talking concrete 2 years from now. |
Todd | 11-03-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
I dont want to get into a bashing war on this site and with that being said there are many reasons why someone could lose a job to a competitor not just price. I hear stories all over the USA and I know one thing for sure, few companies enjoy competing with BB. I do know a few that can but most dont do all that well. |
Todd | 11-03-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
Hey NCPumpumper you use that Tire boss right? How do you like it? |
G-man | 11-03-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
Todd, just wondering do you sleep in bbcp jamies at nite ????
steve |
Doug | 11-03-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
All you can do is focus on your relationships and hopefully your customers will reliaze that after they destroy your business and market they will raise prices. I hope you have the cash to survive. |
DP SC | 11-03-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
NC Pumper, you are absolutely right. We are also in E.Tenn and BB wants to be the biggest and the cheapest. They got a job from me for $400 flat rate and it took them 9 hours to pour. I'm not crying about competition. I like competetion. But "yellowstone" makes some good points; how can you call it competition if pump manufacturers and banks continue to give sweatheart deals to the very company that is driving down rates and hurting our market. |
Todd | 11-03-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
I did not know BB made jamies, lol
I have personal relationships with Pump Companies all over the USA and Canada. I have over 100 Pump Companies using My Pump Magic software. I love all my customers. I personally hate the feeding frenzy that is going on now but really we have one little peace of meat in the water and 100 sharks trying to eat it. I dont want to turn this message board into a BB bashing web site. I would not let that happen to one of you guys and just because BB is the biggest pump company out their does not mean everyone can bash on them. |
BIG PAPA PUMP | 11-03-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
$400.00 flat rate? And 9 hours on the job? I highly doubt that. |
Many | 11-03-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
An optimist is someone who falls off the Empire State Building, and after 50 floors says, 'So far so good!' Personally I have been on those type flat rate jobs,yes it does in fact happen. |
BIG PAPA PUMP | 11-03-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
I'm am fully aware that stuff does happen but what i'm getting at is not "now" and not with our "company". We believe it or not actually have policy's that we follow and have to abbide by. I manage a branch and if i were to do somthing like that i would get my tit in the ringer like never before. It may have happened to you "many" and for that i'm sorry but my point is and was not with us. Yes i work for b&b and contrary to what all believe We too have companys in our area's like to go out and "lowball" all our prices. It's a dog eat dog world out there especially rite now, and people killing there machine's for next to no profit or none @ all are just hurting them selfs. Hell if i had work today do think i would be here sitting @ the computer even trying to debate this with you....NO! |
BIG PAPA PUMP | 11-03-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
People can say and will say what they want about my employer, but the fact rermains that i have worked for enuff companies to know when i have it good. I love where i work and my area and who i work for. They treat me well. |
BIG PAPA PUMP | 11-03-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
Dear many, i am aware it is a fact of this biz i'm not trying to debate that like i said, and miss informed??? I guess we all can't be as smart as you. And also i always love how you like like to show your age by pointing out things like me taking an apple to me teacher when you were pumping or so many other examples that you've left in your previous posts. I could care less how old you are, i'm not trying to sell you short on your experiance, but why don't you crawl down off your hi-horse for a min and quit trying to insult my intelligence. And yes i have a few bbcp jackets in my closet aswell. And also if i fell off the 50th story of a building and lioved to tell about it then hooray for me! |
Todd | 11-03-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
Manny would you sell it? I would love to have that jacket.
NCPumper | 11-03-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
Hey Todd, yea man Tireboss is great. Go to youtube and type in HFK Tireboss HD, and you will see a demo video of us using it. I have tireboss on all my pumps, its just another sellinng point to my customers. |
Todd | 11-03-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
just go here its the big video on the right that should start when you go to the site |
NCPumper | 11-03-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
Appreciate it Todd, thats awesome man. |
Many | 11-03-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
Todd,ya know how many have tried to get that poor old jacket? Way more than I could count,I will always cherrish it and the memories of that x-mass party. Funny but all the things we chat about happend 30 years ago the same way.Problem is it's on a grander scale today.As for my age? It represents honesty and integrity which we don't see much any more.Actually I went out of my way for the pic's,just for fun. I don't get all twisted any more,i'm into humor and fun.You youngsteers are the future of tomorrow,do it well and be proud.This has been a good life for me,hope it is for you'all. |
pudg | 11-03-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
ig BB dont do it C&C will or whomever is willing to do it fot the cheapest,there are whores everywhere ,whomever it maybe, I myself like the saying "nothing wrong with a whore,but why be a cheap one ?" I wanna be a high dolla ho, |
BIG PAPA PUMP | 11-03-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
Pudg you have a great point. Any "many" i appoligize and thank you for the reply! |
murf | 11-03-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
many- this HAS been a good life......???? IS a good life !!! you aint there yet!!!!! |
Pump N00b | 11-04-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
I can't see the pics... |
Todd | 11-04-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
nobody can |
TooTall | 11-04-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
I'm glad to see a post that's critiszing a site sponsor stay active and not get Zapped. Good job Todd! I dont think Brundage has any 'jammies' but sometimes my wife sleeps in my old BB softball jersey! |
NCPumper | 11-04-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
I know these guys are trying to get everything out of there pumps they can, but come on, don't take the little guy out with you. I really did'nt want to throw them under the bus, but I just wanted to inform everybody what is going on. |
Many | 11-04-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
NC Bet if the truth be known,it's happening more than what we know.I am only refering to industry wide,allot of ghosts out there. |
biged | 11-04-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
Todd don't get upset if this turns out to be true say if someone gets a hold of one of their billing slips which is not hard to do, and we fax it to you for proof, I don't think these guys are starting anything no reason to. |
Todd | 11-04-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
Weather its true or not I dont want to start posting everyones quotes on this web site. I would not want yours up nor any companies. I have done things for free and a lot of you guys know that. I have done things for cost and below cost. I dont do it often but still i dont want my invoices posted. |
biged | 11-04-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
I didn't say anything about posting anybody's prices you will see them no body else just so you understand what really is going on, I know NC Pumper is not making things up this kind of thing is happening these big company's have a lot of branches manager's do differnce things most do a respectable job then there are those that crawl out from under rocks and do it their way, I for one will not cut my price's or under cut anybody else I have been in this Business for three years since 10/31/2009 I don't make a lot just get buy and make my pump payments, insurance, Fuel,That about all the small guys do trying to get threw this down turn. |
EZ PUMPIN | 11-04-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
Big Ed, yes those quotes do exist and it’s no problem to get a copy, however those copies have been shared among management from one team to the next and at this point has no effect. I’ve been in this business for 18 years and I’m very proud of who I’m working for and proud of who I’m working with. I am just now experiencing the 800 lb. gorilla and have seen things lately that I have never experienced before. I think competition is a good thing; it keeps people fair and honest for the most part. A lot of what I hear comes from my operators that talk to Salesman coming on my jobs while they’re pumping. This is not something I’ve ever practiced and don’t plan on it nor will I allow any of my employees to do so. I don’t know bb well enough to know what they are about or what they expect from their employees but I do hope that what I am seeing is not what they are about. As any good operator has the ability to adjust from one pump to the next we as smaller companies have to learn and adjust to what’s handed to us. Times are tough and I feel if we do things like we should we’ll be okay, but don’t think for a minute that there won’t be any adjustments that won’t have to be made. |
tinkle it in | 11-06-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
we aim to please |
Concrete Gypsy | 11-22-2009 | reply profile send pm notify |
Kinda the same story anywhere BBCP goes. You will be out bid. And working at Walmart soon. CPI use to do the same thing back in the day. Good luck. |