Cant Catch a Break
Goose2448 06-13-2012
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I will try to keep this short.  I serviced our pump last Thrusday morning.  We had a 3 am pour in St. Pete Monday morning, so I went to pick up the pump at midnight.  I hooked up and pulled it out of the conex and went to do my pre trip and check the fuel in the pump.  Well it was all but empty, I always leave it full or close too it.  As I start to think someone broke in my conex and stole 30 gals of diesel fuel, I found the Glass Fuel Bowel broken.  Well at this point I had to call the boss man and tell him what was up.  He then informed me that he had fired his right hand man Thursday afternoon.  He was the only other person to have a key to that conex besides me.  He was fired because he was not doing his job, and only showing up 2 days a week maybe, he was on salary and the company paid for his apartment.  Plus he had a contract until 2014, that he then voided by not doing what he was supposed to.  Anyway it really looks like he did something to it.  The Glass was only broken on the out side part and looked to have been broken by a wrench or something similar.  We called our backup pump man at 0100 and he was there in time for the 0300 pour with his moded Reed B50.  We may actually buy that pump from him for a job on the otherside of the state.  After the pour was done, I took the pump to Eral to have all the fluids changed out and tanks cleaned and inspected just incase he put dirt or something in them.  I hope to have it back by the end of the week.  I have already missed at least 3 pours because of this.  

Pumperman430 06-13-2012
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pump damage is the worst when it was ovisously done on purpose.  we are a small outfit with only 3  line pumps, i recently found my right hand man of almost 4 years stealing from us. confronted him,luckly for me his shame got the best of him ,he caved in admited the theft,so i had him locked up, i hated it,but good ridence.

Goose2448 06-13-2012
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Yeah there is nothing worse than your best friend stealing from you. My uncle and him had worked together for about 3 years prior to him working here. He was not well liked by the vets of the trade though. He would not get his hands dirty, even unhooking a trailer. Forgot the picture.

Dont need one 06-13-2012
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 Don't move to Pheonix Az. then because you could have metal stakes through the radiator's or all your tire's flattened by the competition or a ex employee. A secure yard down there should and usually has guard 24 hours a day.

mile mark 96 06-14-2012
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In louisiana we use alligators to guard our shop yea.....bring it

Many 06-15-2012
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That's the most effective way to get revenge,sad but true.That's a risk all employers take when dismissing someone,child like but a fact.Sorry to see it happen,good luck