bisley57 05-07-2009
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On your particular machine is there a central gauge port location?If so,do you use it periodically to monitor the pressures of the different sub-systems on your machine?I use mine quite often as it is interesting to see what is really happening with the machine.

Pump N00b 05-07-2009
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Yep, got a port for each system and also got them on the computer. Gotta love them germans...
Use them alot, interesting to see what's going on and what different types of mud or systems to to them.

TooTall 05-07-2009
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 I dont use mine much. Unless there are problems or I am suspicious of someone dialing in my pump to their liking. Or to double check any work that was done elsewhere or at the factory. 

 Unless she's hiss'n and moaning or buck'n and snorting I dont mess with her much... Besides, I get much more info by plugging in the laptop and seeing how fast you drove or how many times you plugged my pump up!

bisley57 05-07-2009
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I am curious to see what other brands may offer in pump monitoring.I am familiar with the vector system somewhat but have not seen the newer systems offered by Putz.It would be interesting to see some pictures and descriptions of on-board computers of different types /brands of pumps.

cp1 05-08-2009
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Bisley, if you're using the cgp, you're way ahead of the curve.  Most guys don't even know what the hell the pressures mean and what they ought to be.  Wouldn't it be nicer though if putz ran the lines so that the ports were up in front of the brain instead of down under the pumps.  Ours are always losing the caps while driving and getting clogged with road grime.  I think Schwing's dream with vector is to get it dialed in to everything on the pump, then allow the service dept. to connect to it via the internet.  Then, if you're broke down on a job, they can connect to the Vector, and walk you through the problem. 

Pump N00b 05-08-2009
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Hmm, on the putz I've seen, most of the ports (the important ones) are nicely laid out somewhere around the brain. Besides, all are on the computer, but yeah, that doesn't help much if something goes wrong.
And the internet system on the putz (don't remember the name) is great too, just bad my pump was mostly underground with no signal...

cp1 05-08-2009
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By central gauge port, I thought he was referring to the 3 or 4 ports on the big pumps under the truck.  Maybe they've moved them on newer models, good for them if they did.  Internet option?  What year is your putz? 

Pump N00b 05-08-2009
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99-08 are the ones I've runned.
But maybe europeans are different to the ones over there.

Pump N00b 05-08-2009
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And I might be cofusing CGP with putz's GPC... :D

murf 05-08-2009
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We are running all this computerised stuff over here on the trucks, most of the time its the sensor which is at fault, not the unit. Over time you find yourself getting further and further involved with the local dealer which in turn costs you more money, and the whole idea of the computerised system is to save you money????

Pump N00b 05-08-2009
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Yeah, not cheap to fix when it goes...
But on a long term basis I think it will make up for it, much more userfriendly machines so you can concentrate on the real job, like running the boom, not the pump itself.
Electronics are IMHO easier than good old hydraulics with systems like CANBUS and others, so much easier to get a sensor or something to tell you it's not working properly, than to get a valve to tell you it's not holding pressure all the time.
And in most cases you can do it youself out on the job, so you can call the shop to send a new one out.
Most of the things we changed were down to user or manufacturers faults, so the last was a warranty case.
Or like the control panel on the back on my pump that caused the whole pump to go into 'limp mode' just because I had wore of the plastic on the touchbuttons so it got water in the electronics.
About 1000$ for a new one...

Alle new tech got their pros and cons, just gotta figure out how to live with them.

bisley57 05-08-2009
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CP1,the Putz is about a year old,and yes they have consolidated all gauge ports together next to the boom stack valves.Excellent idea,kind of compare it to running around with a blood pressure cuff on your arm........

Pump N00b 05-08-2009
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Putz call it GPC, Gauge Port Central. Nice stuff.