change of job....maybe crane driving
The Cat 03-08-2009
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The Cat 03-08-2009
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pumpboss28 03-08-2009
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where is that ?

Many 03-08-2009
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Read and enjoy

pumpboss28 03-08-2009
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ShortStik 03-08-2009
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pack your parashute each morroning,  20min go up -- 20 seconds to get down.   never had a problem with heights, running that last crane world take some balls.  wonder how many cranes it take to get a lift to the top? 

TooTall 03-09-2009
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 Putzmiester has a good link for that project on their website.

 Cats dont have a problem getting themselves up to high places, the problem is getting them down! Sometimes it takes the fire dept. to get them down?


Many 03-10-2009
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and as the chinees wise man said,if it falls over no big deal,then becomes worlds longest building.

The Cat 03-10-2009
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i wonder what happens if you forget your sandwich's and ya thermos and how many times would it take to remember not to forget them???

bisley57 03-10-2009
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Excellent article,just think,it takes the concrete 40 minutes to make it to the top,and 12 yards to fill the system.This P--zm------ 14000 SHP pump has a theoretical concrete pressure of 400 bar or 5802 PSI,achieved on the piston side.The majority of the pumps that we run today achieve concrete pressure of 85 bar or 1233 PSI,on the rod side.That is some major umph........