check out this pic
"MUDDY" 07-31-2010
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ruck 07-31-2010
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Why is the crane helping when it looks like he could reach it him self/

pink panther 07-31-2010
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Probably because the pipe that is going into the ground is too heavy to pick up with the boom.

getRdone 07-31-2010
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getRdone 07-31-2010
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My question is is the one pump feeding the two which would be interesting method of spliting. Or is the one in the back behind the 5 sec a backup? cool pic either way and glad it gets me thinking.

Todd 07-31-2010
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wow very cool pic, do you have anymore?

"MUDDY" 08-02-2010
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we used a diversion valve and two "candy canes". one into each pump hopper to speed up the pace. couldn't get trucks across that bridge fast enough. the pump in the back is feeding the diversion valve.

"MUDDY" 08-02-2010
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you are exactly right. those pipes are 90 feet long.

getRdone 08-02-2010
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90 ft is that all lol

stink21 08-02-2010
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what do you mean by "candy cane"?

"MUDDY" 08-02-2010
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the "candy canes" we used were just a 5 foot stand pipe mounted in a block of concrete with an elbow on to pumping into the hopper. it looked like a candy cane standing up behind the pump hopper. we use those alot on high rises to pump our blow down mixes back into the concrete trucks when we clean out the placing boom.