Check out this pump filming and than pouring water on the Neclear plant in Japan
Todd 04-11-2011
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The Second half of this video is better than he first half.

pumpjockey 04-11-2011
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I can't believe that they are using the pump cell to pump the water. Seems to me that a 6 or 8" irrigation pump optimized for about 3 - 400 PSI and 800 GPM would do a much better job.

baddassduramax 04-11-2011
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that is about the dumbest movie ever you cant even tell what is going on, i want my 2:10 of my life back please

Todd 04-11-2011
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lol baddassduramax come on. Its a camera strapped to the end of a big Sany Concrete Pump. at the end of the video it starts to pump water. and you cant get your 2min back.

TooTall 04-12-2011
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 I've said the water pump thing on half the posts on this subject. They'll figure it out eventually?

ALMIMA 04-12-2011
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My opinion is the same as "Badassduramax". It´s impossible to guess that it is a concretepump wich do a jobb - and in this case - pumping water. But the video was still better than a Patrick Swaisie dancingmovie.

Todd 04-12-2011
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Thats right ALMIMA does not want his 2:10 back so in your face Baddassduramax, lol

Raymond 04-12-2011
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That was pretty goddam dumb.  However, I'd much rather watch RoadHouse over this video...even the edited TV version - I don't know what that other guy was thinking. 

Nobody puts Baby in a corner~

Dipstick 04-12-2011
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Realy wonder what you guys where expecting from this video.. I think its not any less than my expectations.. Or did you guys expect litlle green men to runn around and try to hide from the water?? And throwing big bals of radiation around...

I think its quite cool that we here can see what that guy operating this thing sees when he's working..

Seems like the site has become a bit faster Todd?? Or is my brain just slow today ??

Dipstick 04-12-2011
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The video site I ment...

Many 04-12-2011
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That would be a challenge for some to operate,considering some are lucky to find there own pump.Those less fortunate the only thing they have to worry about is a finisher chasing them with a 2x4.Here a more inept operator is needed,not for a wannabe.Nice vid,gives one a look at what the real boggyman looks like.