Check this out, this is great.
Todd 10-26-2007
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ruck 10-27-2007
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Thats pretty cool, Where did you find that at?

That would be cool to own

bisley57 10-28-2007
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 Very interesting,I wonder if this model was ever built.Heck,it might be behind someones barn covered with weeds.Also noted how well written this particular person was,back in the days of reading and porch sitting.....

bisley57 10-28-2007
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   Really when you think about it the machines today operate in the same manner that this drawing depicts.Just more refined with stronger alloys that make up the unit.This patent was submitted pre great depression,and WW 2,someone was surely thinking ahead of their time.Today we still see products, that were developed in the late 19th and early 20th centuries,that are still available today though slightly refined.As in a H-D or a Win.94.Were those the good ole days,not necessarily,no A/C,or refrigeration for our food.The days of knowing your neighbor,borrowing a cup of sugar are gone to a certain extent.I cannot believe that people played this,blame game and cover your --- as we do now.But in those days living was hard,but were people happier?Just think,my neighbor use to sit on the front porch and wait all day for someone to pass by and offer a glass of lemonade, now,well we just wish that these people would just get their head out of their cell-phones and watch the road.100 years from now people will probably say how simple it was to live way back in '07.............