Todd | 01-06-2006 | comment profile send pm notify |
Here is the Code of Practice for Australian Concrete Pumps.[url=,%20machinery%20and%20equipment/Pumps]Code of Practice[/url] Todd Bullis |
Aussie | 01-06-2006 | reply profile send pm notify |
codes of practice and safty standards are a very good thing for our indutry, provididing every one abides by them & ther are properly poli ced . but not as they are downunder where the work place safty officers are only pencil pushers straight out of uni withno industry experience or knowledge , dont get me wrong there are some realy good things in the standards & code but without the inspectors with the knowledge to inforce them they are not worth the paper they are written on it comes back to self regulation across the board the majority of companies down here are very safty minded & abide by the standards . unfotunaltly there are a lot that dont it would be a lot better if our goverment spent the money & gave them the field experience & training at least then we would all be on a leval playing field allso a lot safer working enviriment for all or hire experienced people in these fields ie ex pump & crane operat ers G!DAY FROM AUSSIE |