concrete burn
crazycreter 05-31-2009
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Summertime and all, I was wearing shorts and rubber boots and got some crete in my boot.

I got some serious crete burn about the size of my fist on my calf, hurts like hell!!!

Woulda killed a normal guy!!!lol

Many 05-31-2009
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and the moral to this story is always carry a bottle of white vinager and some lotion on the pump.

kiwi 05-31-2009
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no the moral of the story , always wear overhalls

then you wont get concrete burns

b-alto 05-31-2009
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Many's right. I always keep vinegar. Customers are very appreciative. I had a guy last year who had been digging his hands in concrete on a long pour. He was in pain, I gave him the vinegar. Saved his...

Many 05-31-2009
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With summertime coming it's always good to be prepard for the unseen.In part

Burns, Allergies, and Irritants
Concrete burns require immediate medical attention. While in transit, many medical professionals advise flushing the skin with lots of clean water. Some medical experts recommend adding vinegar or citrus to the water to neutralize the caustic effect.

b-alto 05-31-2009
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I wonder what vinegar would do to eyes? If someone got their eyes blasted with grout?

TooTall 05-31-2009
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 Vinegar in the eyes?...   I'd burn like hell that's what it'd do!

 Crazycreter if you aint got no vinegar just piss on it! Tequila works good too but it's hard not to take a nip for the pain.

 The best remedy is DONT WEAR SHORTS to work, especially with rubber boots! If you dont get concrete burn your legs will be hairless from the shins down which will look like you shaved 'em!