Todd | 04-19-2016 | comment profile send pm notify |
CONCRETE PUMPING OPERATOR SHORTAGE. Ok so if you own a pump company you know what I am talking about. The USA has an extreme Operator issues. After the last down turn in our industry much of the old equipment was sold off to Mexico or else where. Since there was no work many of the pump operators went to work for UPS, FedEx, crane companies and other places. Many of the pump companies had to file bankruptcy and even went out of business. Now that the industry has picked back up there has been an equipment buying frenzy but the problem still remains who is left to run the pumps? The short term solution is hire your competitors operators, pay them more money, give them a signing bonus, pay for their moving expenses, signing bonus and a big pay raise. They are no new Concrete Pump Operators so companies have to either train up their own which cost lots of money and then they might go to work for your competitor or hire away your competitors operators. Good thing for operators is the wages go up. 3 places to find operators. Craigslist or your news paper. and now a new way billboards. |