Concrete Pumping Company for sale in Western Canada.
Todd 02-02-2012
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Profitable concrete pumping business for sale located in Western Canada. Small business with 5 pumps in excellent shape, all matching fleet no multi-colored misfits. Pumps have been on an excellent maintenance program their entire life, running a well maintained fleet is simply a way of life for this company. Loyal and qualified staff run this truly turn-key operation. The market out- look in this region is very positive. Owners wish to retire; this is a good time to step in, take over and enjoy running something that has a solid foundation and refined structure. Owners are willing to stay on and teach you what they know, introducing you to the key contacts for a smooth transition with employees and customers. They are not interested in financing the sale so inquiries from capable prospects are welcomed. Please contact Mike Enns @ 1-888-870=0908 ext 104 for more information.

Todd 02-02-2012
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Here is the link,name,658,auction_id,auction_details

seedless 02-03-2012
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Wow know them, that opens up a can of worms around here, why's and what's LOL. Great operstion. Great people.

PrariePumper 02-06-2012
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which company is it?

seedless 02-07-2012
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I won't say, because they have not said, but we all know them in a way. You can find out with a bit of searching.